Chapter 1

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(This is my first story,yet I'm having my sister help me out with the proofreading and making it sound right for you guys. So if you have any tips,please leave a comment so I can make this story sound better for you guys. Thanx😁)

Rouge was just your average teenage girl. 5ft 5 inch with long dark brown hair with bright green eyes. She got good grades in school,loved by everyone and even won the annual National Spelling Bee 3 years in a row. She lived a very average and normal life,living alone in an small house that her grand parents have left her. She was only 18 years old when her life took a very strange turn.

(At Rouge's highschool)
It was a grey and wet Tuesday as it was raining really bad,the entire court yard was already half way under water. Rouge's desk sits right next to the window,so she could see what was happening outside.
The rain hit the windows of the large classroom,adding some noise to the silent room as the students took notes in their history class. The teacher,Mr. Ranger, was tapping on the chalk board as he wrote down the notes.
Only his loud yet booming voice could be heard along with the rain and scribbles against the papers. Rouge glances outside and watched as the rain quickly fell to the wet ground,puddles left and right. Then she noticed a small kid standing at school's gates.

'What is that k-' Rouge thought as a bright flash of lightening fills the entire classroom,causing the lights to flicker.

Rouge looks back outside and sees the small kid was gone.

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