Chapter 2

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Lizas pov:
It's Tuesday morning and I've just finished getting ready for school I check my phone 8:15
I'm gonna be late, I grab my phone of charge and my bag from beside the door
Liza: bye mom! Bye dad!
I hear a faint
'Bye sweetie'
As I close the door behind me, I run to the bus stop and get there just as the bus pulls up and climb on.
I see Kristen sat at the back with a girl with dirty blonde hair (as In the colour her hair isn't dirty 😂)
I go and sit beside them
Kristen: liza! Hey, this is Corrina
Corrina: he-
She pauses and looks at the guy boarding the bus and her face brightens
Kristen: and that is Todd corrina has a major crush on him
Corrina: uh... what?! No I don't
Kristen: I've been your best friend for 3 years I can tell you have a crush on him
Liza: 3 years?!
Corrina: yeah the whole group has been best friends since the beginning of high school
Liza: group?
Kristen: the 'vlog squad'
Liza: vlog squad?
Kristen: yeah Scotty,Zane, Heath, toddy, David, Gabbie, me, Corrina, Dom, Alex, Carly and Erin
Kristen: am I forgetting anyone
Gabbie: yeah Liza
She says coming and sitting next to me
Kristen: I'm fine with that but she doesn't even know what the 'vlog squad' is
Gabbie: oh basically nearly all he guys in he group vlog on YouTube and our group of friends have been given the name of the 'vlog squad'
Liza: oh ok cool
Corinna: have you really not noticed any of them vlogging
Liza: I've only known them all for a day, but I think I did see a camera in David's car
Gabbie: what?! You were in his car?!
Liza: yeah he gave me a lift home
Corrina: aww
Kristen: it would be aww if that bitch Jessie wasnt around
Liza: I met Jessie she didn't send too bad at first then I saw her bully a younger kid and then David told me about her
Corinna: yeah I wouldn't mess with her
Liza: why not?
Kristen: if you couldn't tell already she's kind of a psycho bitch
Liza: yeah I can tell now
Gabbie: guys we have to get off the bus
I look out the dirty window at the school and see David's car in the car park it really is a nice car
We walk out the bus as a group and meet up with the guys
Gabbie: everyone meet the new addition to the 'vlog squad'!
Scotty: cool but first she need to be in the vlogs
Heath: and to be a true member you must be in the main vlog... David's vlog!
He says dramatically, I giggle to myself and he dramatically points to David holding his camera
David: I'm cool with it we can do a bit before school starts and properly introduce Liza to the vlogs
Zane: sounds good
I have no idea what I'm about to do but it all sounds pretty fun.
We film some funny bit and I get introduced to David's vlog
Liza: wait so you guys have YouTube channels?
Todd: we do and not to brag or anything they are quite popular David just hit 3 million
Zane: the rest of us are still on 1 million but only because David has been doing it longer
David: sure that's why I have more
Everyone laughs at his sarcasm and we can hear the bell ring in the distance.
We walk through the halls and I notice people watch as we walk by they are pretty famous throughout the school nearly all eyes were on us.
1st 2nd and 3rd period go by quick and soon it's lunch I sit next to David as it's the only seat left. We're all talking and making jokes when Jessie comes over and slides herself in between me and David pushing me off the bench onto the floor. David quickly gets up and helps me off the ground
David: you didn't have to do that Jess
Jessie: what I wanted to sit next to my boyfriend
David: maybe he doesn't want to be your boyfriend anymore!
He sits back down resting his head on his hand
Jessie: what?!
David turns himself to face her
David: you heard me
Jessie: you're breaking up with me
David: yeah I am, and this time it's for good! So don't come back
Jessie: you are not breaking up with me!
She screams and the whole lunch hall is silent watching them argue
David: did you not hear me right I'm done with your bullshit Jessie!
She walks up to him and slaps him round the face before running off to her friends down the hall
He sits back at the table his head in both his hands rubbing the side of his face, the whole table is silent looking at eachother awkwardly.
Alex passes him his can of coke to press against his face
Alex: here it should be cold enough
David: thanks
He presses it against his bright red cheek and sighs
Scotty: umm...
Zane: soo
Heath: I'm proud of you baby!
Heath finally breaks the awkwardness at the table and gently hits his back
David chuckles
David: thanks I've been waiting too long to do that
Toddy: we know
Gabbie: so no more Jessie?
David: no more Jessie
Everyone: yessss
Then they all laugh at eachother
David looks at me and we lock eyes
Liza: proud of you
I gently touch his shoulder
David: you have no idea how much of a relief it is to have done that
Then the bell rings and everyone gets up to go to class
Carly: Liza! Wait up, we have physics
Liza: we do?
Corinna: I do too
David: and me
Liza: okay where is it exactly
We all walk down to physics I am about to walk in when I see a flash of Gabbies blue hair I peer round the corner and see Zane and Gabbie alone
He has his hands round her waist and she is playing with his hair laughing a bit
Zane: bye babe I'll see you after this lesson right
Gabbie: of course baby
Then they kiss. They kiss!
How did I miss this relationship no one else must know about it! OMG how was it not obvious that my best friend liked someone? I must admit they are pretty cute together
(Yes I know every David Liza book has some zabbie I just love that 'relationship' so I had to add it in)
I walk into the class pretty shocked and I sit in the back in between Kristen and David and Carly is right in front of me
I nudge Kristen while the teacher drones on about different theories
Liza: you won't believe what I saw
I whisper
Kristen: what was it
Liza: I'll tell you after class I have to talk to Gabbie first
Kristen nods and then looks back to the teacher . I turn to David and he is almost asleep at his desk I giggle and gently nudge him awake. He shoots up and I laugh
David: why did you wake me up
Liza: mr Morris was about to notice you should be more discreet
He laughs slightly then rubs his face forgetting about the bruise on the side of his face and winces in pain
Liza: still hurts?
David: really bad
Liza: I have some ice water if you want it 
David: you do?
Liza: yeah
I reach into my bag and garb my ice cold drink
Liza: here
I said handing him the bottle
David; thanks
Then he presses it against his cheek and lays his head back down on the desk and probably fell asleep I smile to myself and soon the Lesson is over
Liza: finally
I say packing my things, i turn to david and his head is still laying on the desk i nudge him again he lifts his head up slightly and smiles his goofy smile at me
David: over already?
Liza: come on I have calculus what have you got
David: calculus
Liza: oh yay!
I turn and grab Kristen before she walks out the door
Liza: hey what lesson have you got?
Kristen: calculus, you?
Liza: calculus! Yay another class together can you and David walk me I don't know my way
David gets up from his seat and swings his back pack onto his back
David: yeah, it's upstairs let's go
He still looked half asleep but still pretty cute. Wait what?! Not cute, we are just friends! He just broke up with his girlfriend!

We walked in and instead of single tables we had double tables which means we have to be sat directly next to someone
(Okay in the movies in high schools they have single tables idk if that's what it's like irl but in England we have double tables in case you don't know what it is which you probably do I'll put a pic at the beginning)
The teacher started to call at names and put them in their seats we were all lined up at the back of the room waiting for our names to be called. I wondered who I'd be sat next to I saw a lot of guys who looked like douches and some girls who looked like bitches. Kristen had already been sat next to someone so she was out of the picture
Miss green: okay and the new girl Elizabeth koshy you sit here
She gestured to the seat in front of her
Miss green: and you'll be next to
She scanned her list of names
Miss green: David Dobrik
I felt so relieved as we sat down David is my friend.
We were sat listening to miss green writing notes and me and David were having short conversations when she set us tasks, luckily we had been sat behind Kristen so she would often turn around and talk to us.
David had tuned out the teacher and I was listening to her as she showed us how to do the calculations in boredom when I felt someone grab the pen out of my hand. I looked over at David who had started to draw on my hand
David: you have really soft hands
He smiled to himself as he doodled on my hand
Liza: thanks
I smiled down at him trying to see what he drew
He lifted the pen off my hand. I looked down and twisted my head slightly to see the drawings.

These were on her hand not all of them pick some you like and just imagine 😂

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These were on her hand not all of them pick some you like and just imagine 😂

Liza: cute
I giggled
David: thanks
He was still looking at my hand and then slowly moved his eyes to meet mine and smiled
Kristen: hey Liza! What's question 3- uhh never mind
I switched my focus to her and David looked down at his work
Liza: 3b? I'm stuck on that too can you ask miss
Kristen: um yeah sure
she slowly turned back, David looked back up at me and we laughed.
Miss green came over and explained the question which I already understood I just wanted to distract Kristen, as she walked away I felt David purposely hit his leg against mine I pushed his leg back with my leg and we went back and forth till we were just pushing against eachothers legs laughing
Liza: let me win!
David: never
My leg slipped and he pushed my leg to the side I put on a fake pout and he smirked at me which just made me smile. We left our legs resting against eachother slightly. His leg was really warm, this is really weird! I think his leg is warm what tf! (Yes I know this is cringe but in my head it looked different you just gotta imagine it right! 😂)
Kristen turned back round to me and I knew I was smiling a lot as I answered more questions.
Kristen: can yo- Liza your face is bright red
Liza: it is?!
I must have been blushing a lot
Kristen: how? It's cold in this room
Liza: no idea
I blushed harder then David looked at me laughing slightly it just made my face worse and even more red I was blushing too much!

Authors note
Okay it's at 2000 so I'm gonna carry on the next chapter.
I know the leg part was cringe but in my head I thought it would be cute so I just kept writing it but it sounded kinda strange in writing. Sorry if anything confuses you I guess I just have to get into the story as I've had a bit of writers block that's why this chapter took so long.

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