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When Mae says that she will loves whoever I choose, I'm still not sure she really means the 'whoever'. Even though P' Arthit has a really good relationship with my parents, but still, it bothers my mind, will she accepts us? Will she accepts the fact that I love a man? And the most important thing is how Phor would react if he knows about us. It stresses my mind.

I pack my things slowly. Even though I believe that they will accept us, it still hard as fuck to tell them, right? I don't wanna come home too soon, but at the same time, I want them to know ASAP. How could it be possible?

"Kong.." he sits beside my bag on the bed. He releases his bag on the bed as well, and took my hand. "Kong.. If you're not ready yet to bring me, then you can go by yourself as the first step." Is he changes his mind again?! No way! He'll go with me!

"No, P' Arthit. You have to go with me!" I can't let him go this time. I need him. I really am.

"If that's what you want, then let's go." he gets up and picks up his bag, and I copy what he'd done. I'm still wondering no matter what. Many things in my mind. They're running back and forth there. As example, I'm imagining Phor's face when I said that I love a man, what would he said, how should I told them, what words should I--

"Kongpob, 0062!" His hazer voice raises. I'm shocked!

"Khrap, P' Arthit?"

"Are you sick? Deaf? Or what? I'm calling you so many times!" Really? I didn't even hear him a single time.

"I'm sorry, P'. I'm daydreaming. What was that again?" He takes 3 steps towards me, and open his arms widely.

"Arai na P'?"

"Are you even dumb now, Kongpob?" I take my steps too and hug him. He hugs me so tight, I barely can breath. The warm of his body has been transfered to my body. It really slows me down.

"It will be okay, na. Just so you know, I'll always be here. Beside you. Understand?"

"Khrap, P' Arthit. Khop khun na." he releases the hug first and head to the door.

"Come on, or we'll be late." I took a last glance at my room, and locking it behind.


I understand well what Kong feels. The feel of uneasiness, hesitance, fear, but he still plays it calm. I don't understand him sometimes. Just this morning, his face looks so pale, so full of 'things'. But not long ago, he said "I believe they will accept us, P'! I'm really sure of it!" with the eyes that full of confidents. But I'm glad that at least he's back at his real form.The calm and confidence one. It's true that I don't have much confident as him. That's why I'm trembling as fuck right now. Here we come. His house.

"Sawadee khrap, Mae!" he hugs his mom tightly and release after like 2 minutes full. I just give my wai to his mom, "Sawadee khrap, Mae.." She is a woman that so full of love. Her eyes, how she looks when she talks to people. Her hands, how she holds someone in their arms, shoulders, or wrist. Her words that always out calm and wise. I can't even think of hurting her, hurting such a precious creature like her. Good God, please forgive me...

She leads us to Kongpob's room, "I've already prepared a bed for you there, Arthit." Look! Such a sweet mother, isn't she?!

"Khrap, Mae. Khop phun khrap." She opens the door and let us settled in. She goes downstairs to prepare the dinner (she said), me and Kongpob unpacked our things and take a bath.


"So, how's school, Kong?" Kongpob's dad start a conversation after swallowing a glass of water.

"Just so so, dad." He puts his glass on it's place and rub my hand below. He didn't show even a bit of his nervousness.

"How about you, Arthit? How's at your place?"

"Same as him, Phor. Just so so. Nothing's special." I can't get to my own point. He got on my nerves. And the silent eats us all for about 5 minutes, then,

"Phor.." He opens his mouth, still rubbing my hand. This time he adds a little tremble. I look into his eyes. He looks at his dad with a sharp look, like when he looks at me during hazing. The look that got on everyone's nerves. Slowly he raises our hands up onto the table. What the fuck is he doing?!

"This man is whom I talking about. The man who takes my heart since my first year on uni, the love of my life." His words firm, his voices clear, his eyes persistent, his body unshaken. His dad and mom look at each other in disbelief. Shit! I wanna disapear right now! Have I packed my things? I think I will leave this house not more than 10 minutes later. Prepare your legs, Arthit!

"Son.." His mom opens her mouth to say something, but was taken aback by his dad's touch on her palm. She looks at her husband's eyes, asking something. His dad just stares back at his wife and giving a single nod.

"We guess it right this whole time! Why don't you tell us sooner, huh?! So, when's the date?" Huh?! We..... are..... accept...ed? Really?!

"Wha.... What.... What date, Phor?" He's just as shocked as me!

"The wedding! What else?!"

"Phor! I'm not graduated yet!" Damn! I don't even believe this! Will my mom and dad react the same?! I hope. Haha.

"Hahaha.. Phor lao len khrap, lu.. Don't get too shocked. So, have your parents know about this, Arthit?"

"Not yet, phor. We come to you first."

"Hmm, I see. So, with this, welcome to the family, Arthit! Hope you'll enjoy here!"

"Thank you, Phor." I bow my head as the shame get all of me. I can't even look him in the eyes for now!

After a long long chat with his parents, which is a very nice one, we took our leave as we both are too sleepy to keep the conversation up. We excuse ourself, but before we reach the stairs, Phor calls Kongpob from behind.

"Yes, Phor?"

"Don't get too harsh tonight na, the neighbours are trying to sleep at this hour." His dad puts his smile and playing with his eyebrows. What is that supposed to mean?!

He looks confused at first but widened his eyes 2 minutes after. "Phor!!!" He half shouts, followed by his mom and dad's hard laughs. He drags me upstairs and entered the room. I can't even think.


"Take care na, lu!" We climb into the bus and wave goodbye to Kong's parents.

"How reliefing!" I said bumping my head to his shoulder.

"Hmm.. Next, yours." He said giving a bottle of pink milk to me.

"Kong.. I don't think we'll come to them in near time."

"I don't mind, P' Arthit. Take your time. I'll wait."

With that, I burst into his embrace, and fall into a deep sleep. I promise, Kong, I'll bring you one day.

But before that, let me give you a little surprise.


Arai na = what?
Khop phun khrap = thank you
Lao len = just kidding
Lu = child/kid/kids/son/daughter

I BELIEVE WE CAN [SOTUS THE SERIES] [ON HOLD!]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora