he cheated. i left.

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So this is something I had in my head and I couldn't get out. So I wrote it down.

Elizabeth and Conner have been married a few months. When her and her big brother(Kendel) were little there parents died so Vincent and Elena adopted them. They have two kids of there own, Maria and Peter. Elizabeth's real parents left her and her brother a lot of money and Vincent Dashwood is a rich doctor. They moved when she got married and Kendel moved out years before to go out on his own. Carter and Conner work together and Caitlin is a close friend of Conner's. Caitlin and Elizabeth started a book binding business that is just starting to take off.

Hope u like it!


I was coming up the stairs to Conner's and my bedroom because I knew he was up there sense he wasn't downstairs. The door was shut and I heard something in there that was off. So I opened the door and sure enough something was off.

Conner was making out with some other girl.

I stood frozen for a minute and blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing what I saw currently. There was so much going though me. Anger, pain, sadness, hurt, and confusion. But I knew when I got out of my shock that I had to leave right then and there and not watch what happens next unfold. They didn't even notice me standing there.

Once I was able to move again I ran out of the room and shut the door how it was when I came up. I found a piece of paper and found a pen and then wrote as fast as I could.

The note read:


I thought you loved me but I guess I was mistaken. I still love you with all my heart but now that heart is broken and theirs no way for it to mend. In a way I'm happy I saw what I did, so I know and you wouldn't hide it from me like I know you probably would have.

I guess this is how its suppose to be. In the end we really weren't suppose to be together. So when all toughs times I tried to leave and you brought me back we were going against what nature intended. So now everything's going to be how's its suppose to be.

I'll always love you,


That was the hardest thing I have ever had to write. I love him so much but I guess that love isn't given back. And all toughs times he would tell me he loved me was a lie.

I put the letter under the picture I keep in my pocket. The one that's framed and sitting on the stand beside the couch. Then I grabbed my shoes and purse, took one last look then opened the door and went out to my car.

The letter it feels like was easier then leaving. But at this point I cant feel anything. I only feel numbness.

I don't know where I'm going to go. I have two choices right now.

1: go find my brother and convince him to let me stay with him.

2: go to the Dashwood's (my family)

I know I'm going to have to tell whose so ever I go to what happened and I don't think any of them are going to like it. They already didn't like that I was with him as it is.

I knew where I should go. I know I should tell them both.

But before I go to my family I was going to have to go by and see a few people for what was most likely to be the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2010 ⏰

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