Baking pt. 1

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Rose: Hello I'm Rose Kirkland and today I will be baking with my assistant.... NO BLOODY WAY AM I COOKING WITH HER!!!!!!!
Olivia: Swear Jar, Hello, I'm Olivia Kirkland and today I will be cooking with my 1p.
Rose: No cannibalism... As I was saying today I get to pick what we make. And I pick scones.
Olivia: Help...
Rose: So first we add flour *puts dandelions in a bowl* and milk *adds spoiled milk to the bowl*
Olivia: Um... how old was that milk?
Rose: Only a year old
Olivia: ew...
Rose: And then you put it in the oven until they are golden brown

🖤Time skip🖤

*smoke is coming out of the oven*

Rose: And they're ready *takes scones out of the oven*
Olivia: Save me...
Rose: And now we should show the judges
Francine:Non, there is no way I am eating THAT *leaves*
Francesca: *Just walks out of the building*
Rose: WAIT, MY COOKING IS NOT THAT BAD! *Runs after them*

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