Miss Ravenstale

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so... This is the first time I've written for others too read and tbh I'm a bit nervous about it but I tried my best and I hope y'all like it.

The beginning

Alice P.O.V

It's 3 am on a school night. I've gotten up to shut off my alarm. I'm already fully dressed and grabbed the black hoddie that I'll be wearing outside. Before I forget though I get the letter I've been saving from yesterday's plans for today. I gently placed it onto what is now my old made bed because I have no use of it anymore.

If this goes to plan I won't be seeing this place or this bed ever again. I heard movement from beside me to realize it was only my little sisters sleeping soundly. I was too afraid to speak so all I did was motion my hand side to side. I guess that was my way of saying good bye. my throat suddenly gets tight. Shit, I headed downstairs before I started to get any second thoughts.

I was going to bid everyone a farewell but it didn't really matter because they're all asleep and I might disturb them. I don't want them to wake because I know if they do they'll just try to convince me not to leave.

I took in a deep sigh and whispered to myself, " I'm sorry. I have to do this."

After that I opened the door and slid my hoodie on. It's cold outside but this wasn't the only reason a got a chill running down my spine but the fact this was only the first and easiest part of my new life.

I ran from outside my neighborhood and tried not to stand out too much. Even though it's late your still able to see cars come and go in the street. I was now running at full speed and making sure that the hood I had was still hiding my face. I saw the short cut signaling I was almost there. When I looked up I could feel the light sweat coming down my face and warmth on my cheeks.

I jump over the veranda and started to tap lightly on the glass door. I made sure it was loud enough for the person on the other side to hear it but still decent enough not to wake her neighbors. Once I saw a dark figure awakening from the bed and heading my way I knew I was going to be rescued from this spring rain cold. It was Eli one of my very good friends. She slid open her door staring at me for a while then trapped me into a huge hug.

"Okay, okay I get it .Your happy to see me.", I couldn't help but smile because I was happy to see her too.

"Come inside.It's freezing out there.", she suggested.

"It's not that bad.", I was obviously lying.

Through the entire time I was running all I felt was the cold shivering wind digging needles into my body. If anything I think I caught a cold. My jacket was only good for hiding from the nosey stares I was attracting.

"Here.", she handed me two tickets to a one way plane ride to London. I was confused for a second.

"Why is there two tickets?" When she didn't reply I noticed there was something moving in her bed.

The lights were still turned off so I drew myself closer to the figure that was under the sheets. When the person finally turned around letting me see who it was my eyes widened to the utter shock I was then feeling.

'No no', then I began to say it out loud without noticing,"No no NO. SHE IS NOT COMING WITH!" I was now furious.

How could she possibly think- "Alice...please...", the whiny tone came from in the bed.

"Ugh...Look Dianna this isn't some game so just go home!", at that point I didn't care who heard me as long as Dianna got home.

"No!", she retorted.

"No?!", who the hell does she think she is? Before I could argue back Eli spoke.

"You guys are being too loud.You'll wake up my parents.", when I was reminded of the time I began to panic.

" When's our flight?", I questioned.

"It's at 5. I called you a taxi it's already paid for and everything.", she sounded concerned and it kinda gave off a motherly feel to it.

"Thanks...for everything.", I hugged her and turned to Dianna. It's not that I don't want her to go it's just that... "Are you sure?", I want her to leave with no regrets.

She nodded and then I saw lights coming from the blinds which I assumed was the taxi. I hugged Eli one more time and jumped over the veranda again.

"Come on.", I motioned Dianna who was having a hard time getting over the veranda. I just sighed because once again I reminded myself this is only the begining

Miss RavenstaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang