2. The Dark Pack

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In the next hour Shay told Chaos about her family and how she left, how she got here.

"That's rough.. Hey um I've got another question.."
"Yes?" She tilted her head.
"What do you think happened last night? With the lightning and all?" He looked at her.
"No clue.. I was hoping you could tell me about it.."
"No, sorry... But, actually.. I might know someone who could help us. I haven't spoken to him in over a year, but he's an expert in weird stuff like this.."
"Really?" She got excited. "When can we go see him?"
"Well we could go right away, but we might have to make a stop somewhere to get some rest. It's about 5 kilometers away. (1 mile = 1.6 km). So we'll take a few hours getting there."
"That's no problem! We'll have a snack or something."
"I was thinking we could take a break at the lake.. The.. Eh.. Same lake you fell into last night.. If that doesn't bother you?"
"No of course not, maybe we could find some clues there as well!"
"Alright, let's go, then" Chaos chuckled.

They started walking towards the lake and held a break there.

"So.. Where did you see me fall?"
"On the other side of the lake, but it'll take too long to walk across.."
"Hmm.. Too bad we don't have any sight intensifiers, huh?" She laughed.
"Actually... I might be able to work something out. Hang on, I've been practicing on my magic for a while, it isn't perfected yet, I'm still learning. I mean-.." He was talking very fast but Shay interrupted him.
"Wait.. M- magic?" She looked shocked. "Y- you have magic??"
"Well.. Yes.. Haven't you ever seen magic?"
"No, actually. My pack was really very boring. I've never even heard of magic. Well yeah, in stories and all, but I didn't think it was real!! That's awesome!" She suddenly looked so happy. It made Chaos smile.
"W- well that sure doesn't put any pressure on me and my magic skills..." He laughed nervously.
"Of course it doesn't! Any sort magic would impress me! Even if you'd just speed-grow a flower! Now that I've mentioned it, that'd be so great! Are you able to do that?" She smiled brightly.
"Not that I know of... But then again I haven't been practicing magic for a long time so who knows?"
"Hm, true." She laughed. "But what were you talking about?"
"Right! Uhm.. I might be able to look over there.. Hang on.." He was clearly nervous.

His eyes started to glow. A brightly glowing pattern showed up all over his back. Shay's eyes widened. Chaos opened his eyes and small beams of light were seen in his eyes.

"Hmm, I don't see anything special.. Only the track you made falling down.."
"...Uh- uhm may- maybe up the mountain?" The sudden change in Chaos' appearance threw her a little off.
"Yeah I could try that.." He looked up a bit. "Hm, not anything suspicious.. Only a burnt down tree, probably caused by the lightning from last night."
"Hm.. Well then.. I guess it was a wild guess anyway.."
"Maybe... Maybe the expert knows more." He said while he changed back to his previous looks. Shay was still coming to grips with all of this.
"Right.. So are we walking further towards... Where exactly are we going, actually?"
"We're going towards the domain of the Dark Wolves and Healers."
"The who and the what now..?" She tilted her head and looked at him, confused.
'It's cute when she does that..' He thought. He shook his head. "The Dark Wolves and Healers. They practice magic. The strongest magic-practicer I know lives there. He leads the pack."
"Aha.. I see.. Let's get to them then, huh?"

They walked on for another hour and a half. The sun would begin to set in about an hour. Shay noticed this and pointed it out to him.

"So we gotta hurry.."
"We don't, we're almost there. It's just around this hill."
"Can't we just go over it?" She asked.
"No, the pack's domain has some sort of an entrance. Get in any other way without being a member of the pack, and you'll have some severe problems..."
"What kind of problems..?"
"Well, as I said before. They have the strongest kind of magic I've ever seen.. You won't just be walking away anymore, I'm afraid. He'll probably turn you into a frog or something."
They laughed. Shay got the impression Chaos was sincere. They walked around the hill and got to what served as an entrance of the domain.
"Who goes there?" An unknown voice shouted.
"You don't have to play hide and seek, Lucy.. It's me, Chaos." He said towards some bushes.
A brown wolf a little smaller than Chaos walked out of the bushes and grinned.
"Good to see you again, K!"
"Good to see you too, Lucy!" He smiled.
"You know I hate it when I'm called that.." He frowned jokingly.
"Why do you think I call you that, huh?" They laughed.
"So, who is this?" The wolf asked. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" He looked at Shay.
"Yes, of course. Shay, this is Lycaon, an acquaintance of mine and a good friend to the pack leader. Lycaon, this is Shay. She.... Well, that's a long story.."
"Well, nice to meet you, Long Story" Lycaon winked. "My friends call me Luca. Except this bastard.." He looked at Chaos, who grinned.
"It's nice to meet you too, Luca!" Shay smiled.
"So what brings you here, K?" Luca asked.
"We're here to see Nightfall, we're hoping he could help us with a matter."
"Alright, let's go see him!" Luca said and the started walking.

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