The Tale

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The story is that there was once a beautiful young girl. She lived in a cloud spreading happiness and warmth to the humans below her. Life was peaceful with her influence. She was the daughter of the gods and precious to the people. The people were a pure, naive version of the gods and were looked over fondly.

Although many lives in peace there were ones who wished to cause chaos and destruction. These were known as the wolves. These were men cursed by the gods due to their wicked ways. Their only reprieve were the soul mates granted to them by the head god. They lived out their days pillaging villages, taking woman, taking what they want.

The young girl who lived on the cloud saw these beasts and while she did pity them she also felt the need to protect the humans so she began to hide the human mates. Masking them as regular people, the wolves never being able to find their mates. But on one fateful day, the girl had become tired. She fell asleep on her little cloud and fell from the heavens.

After her great, graceful fall she remained asleep, oblivious to the world around her. This was when a the worst of beasts stumbled upon her. He crept slowly toward her much like a predator. He knew the minute she landed on earth that she was his. And he would keep her, he would ravage her.

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