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- First person P.O.V-


"Good morning myself" I stretched and yawned again. Then I got up and went downstairs lit the stove and made some tea for my mum who was still sleeping upstairs i also made some milk for me and my little sister who was with mum.After all that I sat down on the couch one the T.V.

---On the T.V---

'Last night a car accident happened in Y city a family of 3 was found dead.They were identified by Mr.Alams, husband of Mrs.Ruby Almas and father of Ms.Fona Alams and Ms.Eline Alams the 3 victims.Next up is-'


'Wow this announcer sounds so unsympathetic  the author is a terrible writer'

(AN- .....What is she thinking about?......How does she even know that.....)


'Well it seems Fiona, Eline and Ruby are checked"

I took out the Book and checked off their names

as I did that 12 more names appeared each name had a time next to it.

--- This is not in the story---
   (Background info dump)

If by now no one has guessed then let me tell you I Leta Sato am a helper of death or you may call me a wielder.(AN- STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL....it's hard to build it up again..)  '...Any way wielders are what you may call judges we judge humans there are 5 Wielders :

1. Death's Wielder (I am a  Death Wielder)

2.Love's Wielder

3.Life's Wielder

4.Sorrow's Wielder

5.Time's Wielder

(AN-I'm gonna cut in here to explain what she is talking about

Leta- I can still talk tho

AN- Don't care

Leta- How childish

An- How original)

Anyway , Wielders each have a different power such as:

--Time's Wielder--

When someone goes into a coma or suddenly disappears only to be found 2-3 years later of so that is because of a Time Wielder.Time Wielders have the ability to take some from their time by either 'holding' then in the time (like coma) or transporting them to another world.  Time Wielders most known trait is their custom watches (Pocket watch type).

--Sorrow's Wielder--

Sorrow's Wielder can give you depperesion.No seriously, they are the ones responsible for stuff like suicide or depressing thoughts.So if you feel depressed all of a sudden you know the reason.Sorrow Wielders look depressing like emo styled and they are also what you may call wallflower, but some of the Sorrow Wielders are outgoing as well they still look depressing tho         

(think a pretty boy with dark hair and long lashes or something).

--Life's Wielder--

Life's Wielders are responsible for people coming back to life (sometimes humans call it a miracle) they don't do much except for that.Life's wielders are not seen by humans and to other wielders the appear different each time they are seen.Also, they are not as good as you think they are the most cruel of all of the Wielders.

--Love's Wielder--

When you 'fall in love on the first sight'? that is because of a Love's Wielder.Loves wielders are responsible for all of the lovey-dovey couples going around.Unfortunately, they are also very happy-go-lucky so is they make a couple and after a few years they don't like the couple being together then they will alter it so the couples break up and the may pair you with someone else.So if you don't have a good luck in relationships? Here is the problem.Loves wielders are the playboy type (but some are girls) they are open and peppy the type to be everyone's friend but no one knows much about them

--Death's Wielder--

Death's Wielders are responsible for death, be it died from a car accident or of a disease that is the job of a death wielder to make sure the souls die at the time that is supposed to so that they can go through the cycle and be reborn again (with no memories of course). Out of all the Wielders being a Death Wielder is sometimes known as the harshest because the wielders have to live on the assigned planet ( Leta is assigned to the planet of Earth ).The Wielder also has a family which they could be assigned to kill.The most known trait for a Death Wielder is their Book (yes Book not book) which like Time Wielders has a different appearance based on the owner.

These are the basic Wielders and if they work together they can do what would be called miracles for example- Someone dies and gets reincarnated in a different world with memories that is because of DTL Wielders (DeathTimeLife Wielders).One thing to be kept in mind though is that none of the wielders can interfer with humans directly. Sorrow Wielder can indeed cause depressing thoughts but he/she does not lead to suicide you make that choice on your own.Love Wielder can cause you to have feelings for some that you just met but it is your choice if you want to go with that love or ignore it(AN-not sure if I worded it right). Death Wielders are the only wielders that directly influence humans because they have to kill them  (obviously).

-Now back to the story-

-3 person POV-

Nina sighed finished her milk, got up and washed the dishes.Then she went upstairs and woke up her Mum and Sana her sister then she started to work on her homework while thinking 'Even with being a Wielder I still have to do Math homework and sighed


The author has actual homework to do so bye

the next chapter will be pictures of how everything looks


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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