Becoming a member Chap. 2

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Reed Richards - come on you have to I know its time for you open up to us.

Katherine 'Kat' Star - Reed you know I love you we're cousins I just wish I could talk to you guys and open up but I can't its hard I don't really trust uh them.

Reed Richards - please you trust me right?

Katherine 'Kat' Star - your my baby cousin of course I trust you its just complicated you know since I told you I was born with powers before I left so I can help the Winchesters and my angel friends um save the world from uh monsters and evil trying to take over the world and from uh my enemies I protected my 6 friends and you ever since I left I told then as um soon as I meet um them I have a baby cousin I told them everything about you all nice things I would also cry and they'll comfort me because I missed you and you were six when I left I'm sorry I left you I just um thought you would have a better life without me I kept your drawings of things you wanna build as a scientist when you grow up I still had your number in my phone and whenever you called I listened to your voicemails I couldn't call you back and video chat with you because its part of being a monster hunter and we couldn't um call the people we love because we have to keep them safe because the monsters we hunt and kill will hurt you only to get information on us and only to get uh to us and kill us I sold my soul to a demon um named Crowley because I knew you were dying so as long as you were alive I was in hell being tortured for 254 years one day I was being raised from being dead and also in hell by an angel friend of mine Castiel raised me from hell I wasn't a demon I did have the mark of Cain and I was the knight of hell until they cured me to turn me back to me ever since and even before you were born a few years after I was born I became known as the Elemental Star I have nightmares also ever since I first became Elemental Star and a monster hunter.

Reed Richards - Kat I missed you so much you thought of me uh everyday?

KathrineStar 'Kat' Star - not just you Reed I thought of you and my two hunters and four angel friends every single day I never gave up.

Reed Richards - you always have nightmares what would you say if I built a machine that will help you with your nightmares called the Nightmares Taker it uh take your nightmares and turns it into a dream where its is a wonderful dream that you never wanna leave.

Katherine 'Kat' Star - I would say that its impossible and that if you did wanna build it well to let me help I have a lot um to tell you I remember when you said that when the whole apocalypse is over and uh delt with and when I get back to you I have to tell you everything that happened but right now I wanna make friends I have to apologize to your friends.

Reed Richards - yes you do and introduce yourself properly I think they love Elemental Star and me and you will talk tomorrow alright in my room alone they know your my cousin and that you will never fall in love with me because we're related.

Kathrine 'Kat' Star - whatever Reed.

*after training you go back to where the three people are arriving outside of the lounge area they look up to see you and the two are smiling the blonde haired one is uh smirking*

Sue Storm - hey what's up?

Kathrine 'Kat' Star - hey I'm really sorry I said that observation with no emotion and said I will be in the training room its just I don't uh trust anyone anymore but I do trust Reed my baby cousin and he is my only family member left the rest of my family but him are dead and my life is complicated.

Johnny Storm - its ok so what are your powers?

Katherine 'Kat' Star - I can control the 4 elements, the weather, snow/ice, electricity, I have super speed, telekinesis, telepathy, I can also walk through walls/solid objects again good through me and another person I touch, I have sonic scream and I know magic I also brought some things with me.

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