The Call of Solitude

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          So there are some people I know who prefer to be alone most of the time, and they're my friends I respect their space but what really bothers me is that they refuse to share their problems. Whatever the reason for this I still think that talking to someone can help relieve problems. The reason why I am writing this is to spread the word that if you have a friend who seems down, ask them how their day was, this helps people open up more and trust you, and, really you wouldn't believe how often I wish someone would ask me how my day was, also if your feeling down, tell people about it, this is one of the hardest things to do but it is important. Also you should get out there and talk to people make friends people are always telling me and well, I do and no matter how much someone thinks that they can't make friends there is always someone out their to talk to, whether it be family, friends, your pastor, your dog, or just the world and the sky for know. Also I want to tell everyone the difference between solitude and loneliness, if you want to be alone and enjoy it that's solitude, there's nothing wrong with that just means you want your space, but loneliness however is where you are alone but don't like it, now that is sad, it's not good, see know people need a way to release pent up inner feelings whether it's something like writing, or drawing, talking with friends, or acting just plain crazy. You can ask a friend to do it with you because when you share something with a friend it becomes just that much better.

          So to sum this disorganized rant up, 1 everyone needs someone, 2 bring a friend, 3 help people with there problems, 4 ask people for help, 5 talk, 6 release pent up emotions. I made this to help everyone who needs it and if this helps good please tell me and if not, well, I would suggest that you write something on it, so have a great day. 

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