Not again..

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      First day of school.
      The only day you wore your school uniform properly.
      You opened your eyes tiredly, still can't believe the summer break ended in a flash, and you guys became second years in highschool. Groaning heavily, you rolled down from your bed to the floor, the loud thud making your brother Deidara , who was a senior at your high, slamming the door open frustratedly. You eyed him lazily, as he made a fuss about the only loud noise that could happen in this house was his "explosive" music art.
"But brother," he looked at you annoyed, "you only create birb chirpings from the melody. That's boring and repetitive." you stated bluntly, still trying to wake yourself up.
"When did my little monster of a sister started talking back at his own respected brother?! Yeah?!" he whistle yelled with veins popping out of his face as he slammed his foot on your face.
"Hm? That's what you get for mocking my art of a blast! Also my feet are not smelly! Yeah!"
      After a few minutes of you chocking for fresh air and an imdb 10 out of 10 points worthy of a life crisis, he let you go as you immediately ran to the opened window. He "tch"ed and left your room, yelling from behind for you to prepare for school.
"Assy-dara.." you mumbled as you made your way to the bathroom, getting ready to take a shower.
      After a mere ten minutes, you walked out of the shower and started wearing your school uniform.
      You liked your bra and panties to be as dark as your soul, as you grabbed black ones from your closet and put them on.
      Dark blue school skirt with a white shirt on top, tugged in neatly, vanilla coloured school sweater on top. You dried your worn out short hair, combed it with care for the first time in decades, and put on your red ribbon.
      As soon as you were done, you heard your brother yell from the front door.
"(Y/N)!! Move your slow ass, or else you're gonna be late! I'm taking off!"
      You heard the door slammed close as you looked at the watch on the wall, realizing you had 20 minutes left, which was more than plenty. You decided to buy bread from the convenience store as you also took off, wearing your white sneakers and pushing in all your academic stuff into your sports bag.
      You closed the door from behind, heading to the convenience store. It would be nice if your brother made art out of food instead of his shitty music though.. That way you wouldn't spend so much money on eating yummy food outside.
      You sighed as you went in the convenience store, looking for drinks next to your melon bread.
"This one is quite nice." you heard a voice behind your back as you turned to see who it was, a warm smile spreading across your face as soon as you saw Uchiha Itachi's face.
      He used to play at your school's band and he also used to be at the student coucil.
      In his era, the teams he directed won countless battles between rival schools, and they even went to the nationals. He could pull out 120% potential of the individuals playing different instruments, as he was the leader guitarist, even if the music type changed frequently.
      That was when, he decided to ditch the school band, join an another band called Akatsuki, which basically was a rebel team against the school's "successful" music history.
      Even though many hated and detested him for doing such things without a purpose, you still admired him deeply thanks to your brother. Even though you bitched about Deidara's sound notes, you admitted that they were seriously really good. Explosive, was the exact word of his style.
"I wish Sasuke could also see Itachi in this way..." you thought to yourself as you decided to take the one Itachi chose for you.
      "Goodbye, (Y/N)." you heard Itachi's voice as he smiled at you softly with dango in his hands. You tried not to laugh as you waved at him, going on the counter to pay for what you had bought.
      As you were leaving, you saw Uchiha Sasuke waiting at the store's door, tilting his head when he sees you standing next to him.
"C'mon, let's walk to school." he said frustratedly without looking at your face.
      Holy molly you forgot to wait for the almighty Uchiha before going to school..
      He also must have seen you talk with Itachi, when he couldnt even see him properly because of his brother moving out to a new house with 'Akatsuki'.
"Great," you thought, "now he won't talk to me for the rest of the day." you sighed as you rushed next to his fast pace, offering him a bite as he didn't even turned to face you.
      You growled.
"You and your big ego.. how come I always got to deal with the popular brats.." he flashed a glare as you dipped the bread into his mouth forcefully, sealing his lips.
      Even though you concentrated on opening the lid of the cold green tea Itachi had chosen for you, you could feel the cold aura surrounding Sasuke directing towards you. You gulped, but decided to ignore it since you both came to school and fangirls started surrounding Sasuke and just licking the bottom of his ass.
You clicked your tongue out of annoyance when you heard they sweet talked about Sasuke but trash talked about you. You made eye contact with Sasuke as he smirked at you and the fangirls giggled.
      You lost your grip. You stomped your way to your class, playing with your hair, it was a habit you developed when you were frustrated or scared.
      You hated to be accused of what you weren't on the inside, just from the fangirls being jealous.
      So what? It was not your fault to be friends with Sasuke since you two were little, and you hated to be compared with him.
      But this anger was nothing next to Sasuke hitting your weak spot, just because he was angry at you for a petty reason.
      You talked about your problems with him, the problems which you barely spoke of, to find him just using those against you.
      Your eyes became teary as you tried to get rid of the wet feeling coming from anger and short temper.
      You felt being crushed by a force coming from two strong arms as you heard a cheerful voice.
"(Y/N), i missed you so much~!! We haven't seen each other for decades!" you laughed as you realised it was Naruto hugging you, your first crush at middle school which lasted for about a day.
"Naruto.. you ate dinner at my place yesterday." you facepalmed at his silliness.
"Feels like decades tho."
You smiled to that.
      You guys became close in middle school, and literally became twins after that.
"Wait, (Y/N)," his eyes connected with yours as his left eyebrow cocked. "Why are your eyes watery?"
You looked at him dumbfounded, he was always so quick to catch up what you truly felt.
"Nothing?" you smiled to him and laughed, as he pouted.
"That's a fake laugh, I can tell (Y/N)," he pouted more, "you don't trust me that much that you can't even tell me what's bothering you?"
You sighed as you got distracted by the sadness visible in his large, blue eyes.
Such a sharp, yet dumb person.
"It's Sasuke again.." you said with a bitter and frustrated tone in your voice.
      Knowing that Naruto would react hugely at literally every little thing Sasuke has done, you didn't want to tell him the whole story.
You actually were a pretty good liar, yet you couldn't find yourself to lie right on Naruto's face.
      After telling him what happened, his face dropped.
"Look, I'm not a bitch!" you frustratedly yelled out.
"That annoying bastard.. He keeps making the same mistakes again and again, knowing you will forgive him later!"
      You sighed. "C'mon, Naruto.. it's not that much of a big deal, I'm just being stuck up."
He frowned and grabbed your right arm and started walking with a fast pace to the school's exit , dragging you along with him.
"W-Wait Naruto, where are you going?"
"We're going to skip school today."
"What?! At least let's do it tomorrow, this is the first day! We will get punishment points and clean the toilets for a month!"
"I don't care! Oh, I will also call Sakura-chan and some friends, wait a little bit."
You looked at Naruto as he stopped in front of the gates and hide behind the walls with you. He dialed a few people and closed the phone, grinning at me.
"They'll be here in a flash."
      You couldn't help but to feel grateful towards Naruto. He was always there with you, it didn't matter if it was the best or worst day of your life. He didn't break your trust even once, unlike some people, unlike Sasuke, which made you thankful and feel happy inside. You felt like you were important to someone, and you loved Naruto deeply, as a friend. So, you decided to go with the flow. Besides, cleaning the toilets with him and your friends would be fun.
"Naruto.. thank you." you smiled genuinely at him as he grinned hugely.
"What for? I'm just upset over the school opening, that's all."
He truly was one of the best friends you could have ever had in your life.
      You felt a hand on your shoulder, and saw Sakura, Ino and Kiba had arrived.
      Sakura smiled at you sadly. "He did it again?" you pouted and nodded, as Ino talked frustratedly. "Geez, and this is the first day of school, that asshole!" she crossed her arms.
"(Y/NNNNNNN)!" you heard Kiba yell as he hugged you. "Missed you so much! Let's have some fun!"
You smiled. "Fuck yes! Let's go and have some real fun, and act like real highschoolers!" you said as everyone cheered.
"Wait." Naruto said as he got all the attention of us upon himself.
"You, Kiba! How dare you hug my dear (Y/N) like that?!" he frowned as Kiba and him clashed foreheads.
"You have been hanging out with her throughout the summer! It is just normal that I missed her!"
"Shut up shut up shut up!"
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, as Sakura slammed both of their heads down.
"Cut it out, you two!"
      You whistled alongside Shino.
Wait what?
You looked to your right side, only to get eye contact with him.
"Gah! Since when were you here?!" you shouted out as Kiba closed your mouth with his hands.
"Shh, shh! Don't say those kind of words to him!"
Shino twitched. "I have been here from the start."
"No way!" Naruto shouted out as he pointed a finger at Shino.
      Kiba slapped himself and facepalmed.
A mere silence among us got slashed with Shino talking, "I have come here. Why?" he eyed us. "Because I was next to Kiba when Naruto called him."
"Oh cmon, don't be so sad, thanks for coming," you started talking as Shino distrupted your sentence.
"I am not sad."
"Geez, get in on Shino, let's go!" Ino said as she was just about to go outside of the gates.
"Wait!" Sakura whisper-yelled as she stopped Ino. "The guards! The guards! Let's climb up the back wall of the school!"
You all nodded as you moved swiftly and sound proofly to the back of the school.
Sakura guided us as we finally came to our destination.
      My eyes popped out of surprise as i saw Itachi again with the infamous Kisame, Kakuzu and Hidan.
You have heard about them from your brother, but actually seeing them was the real deal.
Besides, as if seeing Itachi Uchiha was not enough for a whole decade, you have seen him twice already in a day.
The group gasped as the Akatsuki members looked at our side.
      Hidan started laughing. "Hey, who are these small fries staring at? You want me to beat you up?"
"Stop it, Hidan." Kakuzu started talking. "They are not worth the attention."
I saw Naruto become stiff, which meaned he was this close to punch the crap out of them as I also saw a frowning Sakura getting ahead of them. "Feisty," Hidan blurted out. "I liked her."
Kisame chuckled. "This is getting heated up."
     I slapped my cheek.
This was not happening. I closed my eyes.

"Stop." i heard a deep, calm voice. I opened my eyes, only to see Itachi talking up. I sighed in relief.
"Both of our goals seem to be the same. There is no need to fight."
"Why are you making such a complex speech?!" Naruto pointed an annoyed finger at him, "We're skipping school, just simply doing it!"
Itachi looked at Naruto. "I'm getting ashamed of you instead of your friends." He eyed me for a second, then quickly looked away to Kakuzu. "Give them your special ropes, so they can climb up."
     Kakuzu cocked a brow to that, but obeyed him anyway as he threw  a greyish black rope in front of Naruto.
"Hey! We don't need your help-" I closed Naruto's mouth with my hand and started talking. "Thank you, we will gladly use it."
Hidan tch'ed as he started bitching. "At least they have soneone with brains over there."
"You're not the one to say something like that, Hidan."
"Wh-what! You want me to kill you, Kakuzu?!"
      Itachi eyed me again as they climbed up the wall and disappeared.
You sighed and realised your hand was still on Naruto's mouth. You removed it immediately and apologized to him.
"Hey, what was that about?" Naruto looked at me. "How can you just stand there while your best friend is getting roasted by the infamous guys at school and be cooperative with them?!"
You got surprised. "Cooperative? Wow Naruto, you started using such words, I'm getting emotional. You studying the dictionary for some special girl?"
Sakura giggled as Naruto blushed and eyed Sakura for a second.
"Oh my god, you really were."
"Th-that is not the issue here! Answer me!" You rolled your dark eyes as you waited for someone to make this thickhead remember your special issue.
Sakuro rolled her eyes and smacked his backhead,
"Her brother, idiot! He's one of the Akatsuki!"
"Oh!" Naruto put his knuckle on his hand. "I remember!"
"Well duh," you blurted out.
"C'mon, lets's go!" Ino reminded us, "Let's disappear before the school bell rings!"
We all nodded. "Ladies first!" Kiba said as Naruto stood next to him with a huge grin on his face.
"No way I'm showing you my panties, males first."
Ino gasped dramatically as Sakura crushed both of their skulls with a blush on her face.
I could see Shino also a little red.
      And with that, we all fleed from school to have some fun.
      Just like normal highschoolers would do.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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