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And with that last cry of pure pleasure, her delicate but also stronger than average fingers released the man's neck as he continued to ride out his orgasm. A satisfying smirk crossed the blonde's face as she enjoyed her work, obviously satisfying the older gentleman once again as round three was completed of their late night adventure. It was the night after the 2018 Royal Rumble and Lexi had promised this particular lover that his performance in the 30 man free for all would determine if she deemed him worthy of a night of pure passion from her or if she would send him on his way, leaving him to only get himself off to his wife, who probably wouldn't be in the mood anyway. It wasn't the wife's fault but it was rather nature that lately, she didn't desire her husband. Pregnancy either had you crave one of two things. Lots of sex or none whatsoever and unfortunately for Michael Mizanin, Maryse was encountering the latter.

"You did good, kid. I'm proud of you.."

The older man had commented then smiled up at the younger woman causing her to roll her eyes and also roll off of him. Lexi began pulling her shorts on along with an old faded band tee as she spoke, "I did more than good since we went three rounds tonight. You're the old man here. I should applaud you for keeping up this time.." She paused then glanced his direction, "Figuratively speaking of course.."

This caused Mike to laugh a bit as he put his hands behind his head as he watched her get dressed. He then raised his eyebrows as she began looking around the room in search for the key to her own room. "Lex..hey, hey. Where are you off to in such a hurry? Raw is in Philly, we can stay here and just chill. It's not like we have a flight to catch. Seriously, where you going?"

The older man grabbed her hand causing her to pause in her tracks as she couldn't move. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, analyzing the situation in her mind. It occurred to Alexis during one of their first rendezvouses that Mike either couldn't or wouldn't understand the concept of a booty call. He always asked her to stay a lot longer than necessary even if they did have a flight for work the next morning. He always insisted she'd stay and while they didn't have to cave into the cliché of cuddling after a night of passion, he refused to just let her up and leave. This was sign number one that Michael Mizanin was starting to catch feelings for her which was also sign number one that she had to break this off with him. The sooner, the better..her best friend's words echoed inside her head.

And probably before Maryse goes into labor. Don't be a homewrecker, Lex. You're better than that.

Who's to say if she was or wasn't? Even though they had been best friends since their days in NXT, what did Lina really know about the young blonde? The answer was nothing. It took her a year or two to explain for Lexi to even explain her past to Lina about the eating disorder she once suffered through. How does one explain to her best friend that she wasn't at all who she thought she was?

How does one explain to anyone that they've been sleeping around with a married man...or two..or three...for awhile now without being judged? No one ever takes the side of the mistress. No one ever takes time to understand the heartache that the mistress goes through because she knows what she's doing is wrong. Just stop, they say, stop seeing him. Or in Lexi's case, them. But those were just words. It's hard to convey actions into words.

Lexi's eyes opened again after what seemed like an eternity in Michael's mind and her soft blue hues melted into Mike's brown ones, causing his heart to flutter a bit. She took another deep breath and just for a moment, her walls were undone and she was vulnerable. But that was only for a fleeting second.

"Do you not understand what we are, Mike? This isn't a relationship, you know that. Don't you? I am not your wife-"

"Trust me when I say I know that, Alexis."

"Do you? Look at your hand. Your holding my hand, you know I hate that. Let. Go. Or explain to creative why you have a broken hand and can't defend your championship tomorrow."

Her words were as cold as ice. However, they were effective as Mike finally let go of her hand. A sigh of relief, a breath of fresh air, came out of Lexi immediately. She walked across the room in silence and grabbed her purse leaving Mike puzzled. Once she adjusted the strap around her, she had put her sneakers on and adjusted her hair in the mirror just slightly across the room.

Lexi turned around and watched him as he ran his right palm through his tangled brown hair. He wouldn't look at her but his lap instead analyzing the predicament before him. Mike just couldn't understand how one minute Lexi could be so warm, so kind, so loving and then the next like a light switch, feel like an ice queen. Little did Mike know, it had been a specialty of hers for quite sometime now.

She bit her lip feeling guilty at the sight of him. It wasn't anything personal towards the man, she adored him. In fact, before they began sleeping with one another, they were a solid duo and one could even say best friends. But one to many shots of tequila and now here they were, helpless little kids who just craved one another in more ways than one. In a way beyond friendship. Lexi had walked over to him as he sat up. With him still wrapped in tangle sheets, she stood next to the bed. She leaned down, something so unfamiliar to her as she wasn't use to being the taller one, and kissed his lips gently. It had lingered a bit before she finally pulled away but he had pulled her closer.

"Alexis Kaufman..?" He mumbled ruggedly.

Her eyebrows furrowed, not use to that tone of voice unless it was her father scolding her, and tilted her head. "Michael Mizanin..?"

"I'm going to shoot myself in the head for what I'm about to say but I can't help the way I feel...I..I love you.."
I don't know what this is..but have it.
After years of being away, I have resurfaced!
And I felt inspired. So, please, if you're reading this, leave some feedback! I can use all the good and bad criticism I can get right now.
And as far as my other works that aren't completed, I cannot promise that I'll be finishing those. I was in a different place mentally when I wrote those so..
I do apologize for just leaving you out hanging to dry. ~Sincerely, The Author.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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