Chapter 11

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Jesse's POV

My alarm clock went off, startling me and causing me to fall off the couch, landing on the floor loudly. Groaning, I got up and shut off the annoying alarm clock, looking at Tony who didn't even move a muscle. He was curled up on his side, sleeping peacefully. I wanted to wake him up and tell him that he wasn't going to school today but I thought that I would let him sleep a little more. 

Quietly, I opened my door and almost ran head on into a smiling Kellin, standing right in my doorway. 

"What the hell, man?" I furiously whispered at him. He just giggled at my reaction and ran off to his room. What a weirdo I thought as a went into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it just in case Kellin tried to pull something stupid. My shoulder length hair was basically a rats nest, tangled in scary looking ways. I let out a long sigh, grabbing a brush and yanking through all the knots. I was almost finished when I heard a soft knocking on the door. I swiftly opened it, expecting it to be Kellin but I was a little surprised when I saw Tony standing on the other side of the door, looking at me with big puppy dog eyes. 

"Can I go pee?" He asked me in a really cute sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes. I smiled and moved out of the way, letting him go into the bathroom. To be honest, I think I was developing some sort of crush on him. He was just so adorable and sweet. 

It was 6:30 AM, giving me and Kellin about ten minutes before we had to head off to school. I entered my room, changed my clothes quickly and checked my backpack to make sure that everything I needed for the day ahead was in there. Tony soon entered the room, looking dead. His eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying for days. I lightly touched his shoulder, grabbing his attention. 

"You okay?" I asked him, searching his face of any emotions- there wasn't any. He just nodded, avoiding eye contact with me. 

"Jesse! Kellin! Let's go!" My mom shouted from the top of the stairs. I gave Tony a sympathetic look and said goodbye to him, closing my door lightly behind me and headed up the stairs with Kellin.


"Hey asshole!" I whipped around to see a smiling Vic Fuentes down the hallway. I just entered the building and like always, I was greeted by Vic, one of my best friends. His little group of friends wasn't trailing behind him as usual, which I found odd.

"Where is everyone?" I questioned as he approached me, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Mike had to go take a test he was missing, I have no idea where Jaime is, Jenna isn't here today and Craig went to go talk to someone" Vic replied without skipping a beat.

"So, what's new with you?" He asked me.

"Nothing really. Got another roommate that I met on the plane back here. What about you?" I asked him, glancing over at him. He wasn't really focusing on me, but he was staring at someone and seemed lost in thought. I followed his gaze and found that he was staring at Kellin who was leaning against some lockers, flirting with a petite brunette girl named Katelynne. I could tell Vic didn't like the sight of that because he tensed up and removed his arm from around my shoulders and put it back to his side.

"Look uh, I'll see ya later." He said to me, turning around and quickly heading the other direction before I could say anything. I just rolled my eyes. 

Since none of my friends were in sight, I decided to head to my first hour class- gym. Kellin and I had this class together so as I walked by him, I grabbed his arm and dragged him away from Katelynne just as the first bell rang.

"What the fuck man?!" He exclaimed as he yanked his arm out of my grasp. I just laughed at him, giving his shoulder a playful shove.

"I was just messing with you. And plus, if you were to be late again you would get another detention and mom wouldn't be pretty happy about that." I told him, giving him a knowing look. He just sighed in defeat.

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