Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

           The next morning John came back as he had promised the boys he would. He wanted all the information he could get, so we could come to a decision on what we were going to do. I presumed we would be figuring out a way to get Benson back. Arnold had confided in Louis and me earlier, telling us that he hoped we would find a way to shut down the experiments altogether.

           Tensions ran high in the room as all of us, including David, sat in silence. I could tell John was unpleased with his unexpected presence. I could tell Lisa was concerned for how this would turn out.

           “Well…” David said, clearly angry, “I know you two don’t just sit around in silence when I’m not around. So why can’t we get on with business when I’m around?” I cringed as he began to raise his voice. Seeing my uneasiness, Louis quietly put his hand over mine.

           “Don’t you have to go to work?” John said in an even tone.

           “What’s it to you?” John said, getting angrier, “Why don’t these little meetings continue when I’m here? Why is it all so secretive, John?”

           “We just have matters to discuss that you’re not a part of. You weren’t here yesterday when we talked to the kids, so why do you feel the need to be here now?”

           “Because I want to be! It’s part my house! I paid for half of it! And you can’t keep being all secretive with my wife!” David was on his feet now.

           “David,” Lisa said, going to him, “It’s okay. Nothing is going on between us…if that’s what you think.”

           “I don’t know what to think! All you do is sneak around and keep secrets from me! After all I’ve done for you.”

           “I know, I know,” Lisa said, trying to comfort him, “I’m sorry.”

           “Whatever,” he said, pulling away from her, “I’m out of here. Have fun with your secret meeting.” We all sat in silence, as he furiously put on his coat and shoes and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. We sat in another awkward silence for a minute before John finally spoke up.

           “Well,” he said, “now we can continue.” Lisa sat down, looking discouraged.

           “Don’t worry about him,” John said, “He’ll get over it. I can’t go around disclosing all this information to everyone.”

           “I know,” she said, quietly.

           “Anyway,” John said, turning back to us, “I went home and did some of my own research last night on some of the medicines and these experiments. There isn’t much out there. But I do want to get Benson back.”

           “And how do you propose we go about that?” Arnold interjected. Again, this morning, he seemed to be a brighter mood. Hardly getting angry at Louis or me at all. Although that could be because he seemed to be taking out more of his anger at John, who, Arnold was convinced wasn’t sharing all his information with us, leaving us an uneven playing field.

           “Well I’m not exactly sure yet,” John answered, unfazed by Arnold’s tone. John always seemed to be able to keep his cool. Whether David was yelling and screaming or Arnold was giving him attitude, he never seemed to blink an eye. I guess that was part of being a lawyer.

           “Okay,” Arnold said, “Well what about the experiments? We can’t just leave them. I mean what they’re doing is cruel.”

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