Found (BVB fanfic)

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((A/N) This is my first BVB fanfic, so bear with me here. Also, this is when they were younger and in teen years so they can be around the age of my character...It's called a fanfic for a reason.))

I start singing Fashionably Late by Falling In Reverse as I get into the car with my parents. Hi, I'm Alexandra, a fifteen year-old girl, obsessed with Hollywood Undead and Black Veil Brides. I will stand up for those two bands forever. Or any other bands I just happen to like. Even if there is blood involved. My life used to be normal. Key words: used to be. Anyways...We were going to some place...I don't know where. 


We were on this street that isn't used very often, I was relaxing in my seat, when I'm lurched forward. And to make matters worse, my seat belt wasn't on, so I hit my head on the back of the front seat, hard, and I start to slowly lose consciousness. 

I woke up later that day, the sun was starting to set. I knew right away my parents were dead. I stayed on the ground in shock, not bothering to get up.  A couple minutes later, I decided to start heading out...Into the nearby woods...Which was across the street. I made sure no one was coming, I crossed the street, and ran into the woods. It wasn't that dark in the woods, surprisingly. It's a good thing I was just wearing boots, jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater. A prefect outfit for the woods...Kind of.  I let my rainbow hair flow behind me as I ran, not bothering to put it up. 

After running for what seemed like hours, the sky started getting darker. I sighed and sat down against a tree, knowing I'll be waiting until daylight hit again. I sat against the tree and closed my eyes. 

I ran through the crowd of people, trying to get away from....them. I pushed through the people, not caring who falls or bumps into one another.  I finally got though the crowd and looked around, when arms snaked around my waist and picked me up.
I screamed, kicked, and even threw a few punched here and there, anything I had to do to get away. I looked around for someone to help, but no one was helping, they didn't even notice a fourteen year old girl getting kidnapped for who knows what reason. Some one with brown hair slapped me and told me to shut up. I did, out of shock though.
I was dragged to some place and tied to a chair where those guys beat me for fun and I was helpless. The door opened and the guy that slapped me earlier came in with a knife. My eyes widened and before anything else happened, he  st-

I woke up with a start and saw it the sun was rising so I got up and started walking again. 

It's been like that for 4 weeks. 4 weeks with no wifi, no contact of anyone else, trying not to starve, or being attacked by rapid animals. Until, one day...I saw a road up ahead. 

I sprinted to the road and stood next to a pole on one side of the road, standing in the grass. I looked up and noticed I was under a bridge. I looked back at the road and watched for cars.

A few minutes later, as the sun started going down, I saw head lights. As the car got closer, I saw it was just a plain black car, don't know the type though. As it passed me, I saw one of the windows were down, front passenger window, and there were 5 guys laughing in the car. The guy turned his head and looked at me. A few moments later after it passed me, it stopped and the guys got out, coming toward me. They looked familiar though. But, they were getting closer. What could this mean? What will they do to me? I guess I'll wait and find out..

Ashley's Point Of View

As the guys and I drove down an empty road in silence, I turned on my phone and looked up Slendy Works At Burger King. We all started cracking up in fits of laughter. I turned my head to look out the window, and saw a girl about my age, maybe a bit younger but still. I blinked to make sure I wasn't imagining her....I wasn't.

I looked at Andy, who was driving at the moment, and said, "Stop the car."

He glanced at me for a moment before looking back at the road, not stopping. "What? Why?"

"Dammit, Andy. I just saw a girl standing near the woods. And as far as I know, there's not a house around here!" 

He quickly stopped the car, most likely making skid marks on the road. I got out of the car, along with the other guys, and we sprinted to where I saw the girl.

We finally got a few feet in front of her. The poor girl looked frightened. Like a deer trapped in headlights, too scared to move.

I went to take a step toward her, and she automatically took a step back.


I turned around to look at Jake, the one who called my name.

"Be careful, she's probably scared and doesn't know what to do." I nodded and looked back at the girl, who looked deep in thought now.

A few moments later, she came back to reality, and looked straight at me. "Ashley? Ashley Purdy? From Black Veil Brides?"

Found (Black Veil Brides)Where stories live. Discover now