Emily Pov
I walk into the BAU. I walk to my office....his office. Why....Why do I call it mine when the office is his...oh I miss him heaps. The BAU is empty, minus the cleaners. I walk into my office and decide to work on the pile of cases on my...his desk. I hate that I was given his office. He is the key to my lock. I say to myself and go through the cases when a phone call comes through. I answer it hoping it not a case but it ends up being a case....argh.

Hello, this SSA Emily Prentiss unit chief of the BAU. May I ask who's speaking?

Hello, this the sheriff from Wilson Creek Police Department. We have a serial killer on our hands. Could you come help?

Can I please have more info?

Yes, two murders and they all take place on a Monday night.

Ok, we will be there soon. Plus can you send some info to our technical analyst.

Ok, i will, thank you. Bye.

I hung up then thought about something for a moment. Wilson Creek, that name sound familiar. I wonder why....

I go the group chat and type the words 'We have a case', now I wait for team to get here. I hope this is a fast case.

JJ Pov

Argh....a case. It's a bloody Monday. I get up and organised. I then go rush to the toilet. What is wrong with me. Am I pregnant again or am I just ill. This has been happening for the past few mornings. It's to early for a.....wait I'm three weeks late. Omg. I hope not.

I enter the BAU. I look around and notice that Rossi is in his office and that Emily is in her's. I walk up the stairs to Emily's office. I knock on the door.

"Come in." Emily's says in a cheery voice.

"Hey, could we talk?" I ask.

"Sure, are you ok." Emily asks in a worried voice.

"Yeah.....it's....it's just......I.....think.....I.....might be....." I stutter.

"Go on." Emily says.

"I think I might be pregnant." I blurt out really fast.

"Ok, have you told Will?" Emily asks.

"No, your the first person I've told. I'm havent even taken the test. I'm nervous. I mean.....I don't know how to tell Will." I say nerv- racked.

"Ok, um....maybe take the test then surprise him, by leaving the test, him on his pillow." Emily suggests.

"I don't think I can tell him.....I mean I think he's cheating on me. I also have an abusive relationship when he comes home drunk." I say.

"How long has that been going on? Why haven't you said anything?" Emily asks.

"Three months after I had had been kidnapped and tortured. It stopped while Micheal was in the womb and he did it again three months after I had Michael. Will is even teaching Henry to do it. But when Henry says no, he slaps him. It hurt too see him, teaching Henry to do that to women." I say seconds before I fall down in a mess of tears. "I didn't say anything, is because I didn't want you all to see me as a weak wreck of a mother and FBI agent. " I say though tears.

"Hey, your not weak. You not going home to him after this case. I'm putting Henry and Michael in child protection while we're on the case.' Emily says.

"No, I don't won't them in child protection. Could we ask Garcia to mind them." I ask through tears.

"Sure, I'll ask. Then once you get home, I'll make some calls to make sure that he's not there when we get back." Emily says while hugging me and rocking me back and forth.

Emily Pov
I'm am going to whatever I can to make sure that he's not there when JJ gets home. Even if means Henry and Michael plus JJ staying with me or Reid or anyone else on the team. I love her like a sister so does Reid and Penelope. Plus Rossi is like a father to the lot of us.

One we are both back to our normal feelings. Myself and JJ go to the bullpen room. Everyone else is already at the seats.

"Okay, this a local case. We wont need our go-bags. We are going to Wilson Creek." I say.

"Wilson Creek? That name sounds familiar." Says Reid

"Okay crime fighters, two women have been killed in 2 weeks. They disappear on the Friday and end up dead on the Monday. No third body has been reported just yet. But they get clues to where they are dumped. All we know is that his signature is rape, carved heart into the stomach and that all the women were 3 weeks pregnant." Garcia says

"Okay, be ready in 15. It's a close drive." I say.

I notice that JJ is tense, as she rubs her stomach. This case is close to her. As both victims look like her and were pregnant.

JJ Pov
I look at the victims and it scares me to think that I look like them. Plus I'm 3 days late and the last time we had sex was 3 weeks ago. I push the thought away. I don't want me to be pregnant if I am.....well I'm filing a divorce against Will as well as a restraining order.

I hop into the suv. It's just Reid and Prentiss in the car also. Luke, Tara and Dave in the other. The third is Garcia and Mat.

I sit in the back and look out the window. This case is creeps me out. I rub my stomach. I'm going to love this baby no matter what....that's if I'm pregnant. Reid and Prentiss talk about some random stuff.

Spencer Pov
I notice that JJ is not herself. I hope she is ok. I love her. I think to myself and think about how she has been not herself for a few days now. I'm given a look from Emily, saying to drop it. I wonder if she knows what is up with JJ.

Emily Pov
Once we arrived I was told that the latest victims boyfriend reported her missing. My self and JJ were to go to the victims boyfriends and talk. Once we arrived I looked at the house a quiet little place. JJ seemed to notice something or someone in the window.

JJ Pov
I look into the window and notice a little boy. I then remember that Henry had a sleepover tonight at Aarons.

Emily Pov
We go up to the door. JJ knocks, I hear movement. Then I knock and say we are with the FBI. I hear more movement and some kids telling each other to be quiet. I then here a familiar voice, 'dad said, that we need to be quiet. I messaged him and he said he will try and be home soon'. I try to think who that voice belongs to then we here a another voice, 'when, I peeped through the window I think I saw mummy and her work friend'. I look at JJ's face and notice the familiarness in her face like she knows who those two voices are then. I then here someone yell...

"Get away from my house you feds. Your not welcome in this neighbour hood. Go back to Quantico. There are little kids in that house." I look around and see a man with a hoody and sunglasses hiding his face.

"Are you the boyfriend of Jessica Lowlery?" JJ says while putting her hand on her stomach protectively.

"Yes, who want to know?" He says.

"The WCPD. We are here to investigate her death. Sorry for your loss." I say.

"That the third death in 3 weeks. Has the Behavorial Analysis Unit, been called in." He says

"Yes, they have. I am SSA Jennifer Jareau and this our chief SSA Emily Prentiss." JJ says.

"Can you please leave so you don't scare my son and his mate?" He asks.

JJ Pov
We hop into the car as I see the little boy again in the window. I then notice that it's.........

So what did you think of my first chapter. Please comment who think the boys are. Also go and check out @jisbons and @criminalminds they both have really good books.
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