JJ Pov
We hop into the car as I see the little boy again in the window. I then notice that it's.........Henry. I look over to window as we drive away. I still see him. He waves goodbye. We arrive back at station, and the first thing I do is call Will.

Hey did Henry go over to Aarons house today.

Yeah, I dropped him off why.

Nothing....just making sure. Bye Will love you.

I love you too JJ. Bye

Once i put the phone down I hear familar voice, causing me look over to the reception. I look over and notice the old chief of the BAU.

"Hello, I was told you had news on Jessica Lowlery, my girlfriend and the mother to my unborn child." He says

"Arh,  yes, hang on while grab someone on the case." The receptionist says.

"Do you wish to tell him?" I'm asked, I say yes.

I walk over to him....he is one hell of a mess.

"Hello, Aaron, I'm afraid that Jessica possibly.... " I started to say then he cut me off.

"How do know my name?.......JJ? Don't you tell me, she was murdered." He says.

"Hey, we have a profile?" Tara says.

"Arh....can you guys do it without me. I need to talk to Aaron about something." I say.

"JJ , go deliver the profile. I can wait." Aaron said like an order.

"Aaron, you come first. Your part of my family." I say

Tara then walked over to the team. Then I spoke to Aaron about Jessica.

"Okay, well, your right there, there a 3 women murdered. All were blond and we're 3 weeks pregnant. Do you know about anyone's new in Jessica's life, or anything different." JJ asks.

"No....no one new. We were looking at a house for the 4 of us to live together." Aaron replies.

"Ok, what about a job promotion or a enemy?" I ask.

"No and No. Plus I know what else your going to ask and No. Wait....is that Reid, Rossi and Prentiss." Aaron asks like expecting for them to not be here.

"Yeah....There have been with the BAU since you left. Emily is the section chief of the BAU, as you requested. Plus Reid has been out of prison a few months now." I say.

"Wait....Why was Reid in prison. Also can I say hello to the team." He asks.

"Sure, don't let me stop you. And the answer to your first question is a long story." I reply to him.

Hotch Pov
I walk over to the team and my eyes fall to Emily, stop it Aaron your are....were in a relationship. I try to take my eyes off her, but she is her same unique self and just as pretty. I come over the first to notice is Reid, then Rossi and last Emily.

Emily Pov
We just finished delivering the profile when I here Reid call out 'Aaron, long time no see'. Then Rossi goes and waves to Aaron and walks over to catch up. I feel a sickening feel in my stomach as look at him.

I rush to the toilet and throw up. I then hear footsteps. I turn around and see JJ.

"I thought you were with victims boyfriend." I say.

"I was. Emily, Aaron is the victims boyfriend. Also are you ok." JJ asks.

"No, I'm not ok......I'm felt sick in the stomach when I saw him. It hurt ya know." I reply.

"Do you need to go to the doctors?" JJ asks.

"No, I'm right. But you can go,  if wish  to." I ask.

"I'm going to wait till we get back home." JJ replied.

I walk out of the bathroom and look around, no Aaron.....thew. No sign of him. I'd hate to tell him about Emma and Aaron.

(For a little twist, I thought I'd make that Emily and Aaron had a one night stand that left Emily pregnant with twins, that belonged to Aaron. Aaron jnr is a spitting image of his dad, which is why hench his name being Aaron. Emma is a mix of both her mum and grandmother.)

I walk out and make a phone call.

Hello, how are my sweet angels.

We're good mummy. When are you coming home. We miss you. Come home mummy, its been a few days.

Soon kids, soon. I love yous. I'll see you when I get home.

Love you too mum come home soon. Bye mum.

Bye lovelies.

I go back in and bump into Aaron and straight away, I can see why I didn't tell him about the twins. I am so happy now and maybe I should tell him and the team. I walk toward the team and ask for any updates, the first thing I'm asked is if I have seen JJ. I say no and start to worry as she is the unsubs type. We look all around the station....No JJ. Around the outside of the station.....No JJ. Last, in the SUV's, there is one SUV missing. I beg that she has just gone back to the hotel.


An hour and a half later:

No sign of JJ still. The team is getting worried and not to mention that Aaron keeps pestering me to let him help on the case. I am fine to let him help, but we are under a lot of pressure from the director so I said no. Right now my main worry is that JJ is ok.


JJ Pov

I'm driving to the hotel when I see a man you is asking for help with a truck. I pull over and ask if he ok.

"Hello, thank you for stopping. I need help with my truck, you se it's, well uh, I don't know exactly what's wrong but something in the back keeps hitting the walls making it hard to drive and you see I want to try and open the back, but um ah, I can't as I'm sought a, lost the key." Said the man "Do you have something that could open the lock?"

"No problem, hang on a moment......arh yes, this will do the trick. Hang on a tick.....done." I say as I unlocked the back door of the truck.


I don't know what just happened. One minute I was stopped to help a man with his truck, the next I'm in the back of it. It's really hot in here. I notice a esky, I open it to see a fetus in it with its placenta attached. I see another esky, this on a has a dozen bottles of water and a dozen apples and bananas. I am a little scared for my kid at this time and also scared for my life. I get up an look around the where I am. I check to see if I have my badge and gun....nope....my other gun...yep.....my phone.....No. Crap I'm screwed,  I have no way out unless I fight back, and that could result in me losing the baby. I am having a bad day. I hope the SUV is tracked and along with my phone. I pray that Garcia has my son's and has already tracked my phone and the SUV. I hope I get out of this alive with my baby.

Authors Note:
Okay so let me know your thoughts on this chapter. Any suggestion for a book would be great so throw them all at me. Not litteraly, I mean metaphorically speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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