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The first time I really talked to Faith Delavigne was when she threw snow at me.

It was the beginning of December, and brilliantly bright outside. My breath came out in visible wisps of air, swirling lazily in the cold. I would have stayed to enjoy it in any other case, but I was already late for school, and was in the process of running to get in the building, when I caught sight of her.

Faith Delavigne.

Faith Delavigne

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The self-proclaimed "artist with and edge", who was standing out in the middle of the abandoned schoolyard, her arms raised above her head, as though getting ready to catch something.

Despite the chewing-out I was pretty sure I was certain to get later, I stopped and stared.

Faith was the same grade as me, but I always thought she looked younger than 13, much younger. She was small and slim, and her big purple coat and panda bear hat practically swallowed her.

I was just about to ask her what she was doing, as we were both going to be late for class, when she began to twirl on the spot. A quick little spin on the balls of her feet, lifting up onto her toes. She threw out her arms and tossed her head back, a huge grin on her face, as all around her snowflakes fell slowly to the ground.

I couldn't help it. I stood completely still, watching her. I had never really spoken to Faith much before, although we were on friendly terms, which mainly consisted of a casual, "Hi, how's it going?" and "Yeah, good. You?" every now and then.

We were also in the same class but I had other friends I would usually hang out with, and Faith. . . Faith tended to be by herself, or with her friend Liz and no one else.

It wasn't like they never talked to anyone else, it was just that. . . that was the way it was.

In front of me, Faith bent and picked up snow off the ground with her wolly gray mittens. When she had gathered a ton in her arms, she then threw them up, releasing the fallen snow back into the silvery sky with a little jump.

She leaned back again, and laughed, a surprisingly loud, happy sound in the midst of the empty yard. She picked up more snow, and did the same thing, spinning around cheerily as the fluffy flakes tumbled down again and again over her head, her shoulders, the ground.

She spun and laughed again, clapping her hands together, each time releasing a puff of powder.

Her laugh was high-pitched, delighted. It rang around the empty yard, echoing so merrily, it made me want to laugh too.

I paused, shifting, from one foot to another. She hadn't seem me yet, and I wasn't sure whether I should leave or not. I probably should. I was going to be even more late, and Mrs. Irving was probably going to have a fit.

But I couldn't seem to want to go.

Faith was enjoying herself, that much was clear.

Maybe that's why I was so fixed on the moment. Because although I knew Faith was a generally good natured person, I had never really seen her looks as though she was having as much fun as she was then.

I took a step forwards, a sudden urge to say something to her.

I took another step, then another. She still hadn't seen me, and was picking up more snow, bundling it into the crooks of her arms.

I took a deep breath, directly behind her when I said loudly.
"Hey Faith--"

She spun with a gasp, her arms coming up in defense.

A wave of snow sprayed all over me as she accidentally flung it in my direction.

It covered my entire face, as I spluttered, spitting powder out of my mouth, and wiping it from my eyes.

When I cleared my view, Faith was waving her hands frantically in front of me.

"Oh no. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry--"

"Faith." I said, chuckling a little.
"It's OK."

She tilted her head, as though confused.

"Yeah," I waved a hand.
"Don't worry about it. It's all OK. A little snow never hurt anyone."

"Oh." She said, still sounding slightly confused, as though she wasn't entirely sure if she was going to get yelled at or not.

We stood awkwardly after that, Faith turning her head to look at the side, the ground, it seemed anywhere except my face.

"You looked pretty happy there," I commented out loud.

She jerked her head up quickly, eyes wide.
"Um, you saw that?"

I shrugged, smiled at her.

She ducked her head. "Well, it's just. . . I like snow," Her voice dropped low, embarrassed.
"Don't tell anyone?"

"There's nothing wrong with having a little fun," I said reassuringly.
"Seriously, don't worry about it."

"Oh." She repeated, relief in her voice.
"OK. Thanks."

"No problem." I said easily. Even though this was probably one of the longest conversations I had with Faith, I was still know to be more of a 'people' person. I always really liked talking to other people, no matter the circumstance.

"So. . . " I began.
"Do you throw snow around often?"

"Nah," I shook my head.
"After falling headfirst into snowbank when I was little, I've kind of lost my affection for it."

Her eyes lit up, and she laughed, actually laughed out loud at my joke.

I didn't know why, but I was really getting happy with myself for getting a laugh out of her.

"Well, then." She said, when she finished giggling.
"You should be careful. There's a lot of snowbanks around here."

I raised my eyebrows, and tossed my hair in mock-vanity.
"Please. I couldn't fall into one now even if I wanted to."

The most evil little grin spread across her face in a sideways smirk.

"Oh yeah?"

She dropped to the ground and grabbed a handful of snow, before promptly flinging it at me. It exploded across my shoulder in a burst of powder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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