Poor Ickle Firsties

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Robbie Murphy to the side ----->


Mr. Murphy threw the used antiseptic wipe to a First Year who went to go put it in the bin, while he covered Jamie's puncture mark with cotton wool, soaking up the blood. Mr. Hale opened the plaster and got it ready so it would go on as soon as the cotton wool was taken away, which was exactly what happened next.

"You need to go more to your right," Jamie told Mr. Murphy as if nothing had happened. The First Years looked at her as if she had lost her mind, while Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hale went back to fixing the orchestra pit with her because they were used to her stubbornness. Mr. Murphy picked up the drill again and the First Years went back to work. When Mr. Hale realized that he wasn't needed by either Jamie or Mr. Murphy he went around helping the First Years.

"This yoke better stay together for the Musical," Mr. Murphy said once they had finished fixing the piece of the orchestra pit.

"Wait, this is only needed for the Musical? I thought it was needed for the Christmas concert!" Jamie exclaimed, "Why are we fixing it now when we could be doing more useful things with our time, like teaching your First Years."

"All though they won't learn much, they have Murphy as a teacher," Mr. Hale replied teasingly. 

"True, true," Jamie agreed. The First Years were all smiling as Mr. Murphy looked more and more offended.

"Hey!" Mr. Murphy exclaimed, and Mr. Hale and Jamie simply grinned innocently at him. 

"First Years tidy up, there are five minutes left in class," Jamie called out over all the noise in the room.

"Wait for the bell," Mr. Hale added as he helped them tidy up the room.

"Why are you two teaching my class?" Mr. Murphy asked Jamie and Mr. Hale.

"We're not teaching them," Jamie said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"We're simply telling them what to do," Mr. Hale finished. 

Mr. Murphy shook his head in amusement at Jamie and Mr. Hale. The bell went and the First Years ran out of the door quickly, eager to be the first people to get to their lockers so they could avoid the crowds.

"Poor ickle firsties," Jamie said, "getting to their lockers is like trying to get to Gerry when he has biscuits."

Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hale raised their eyebrows at Jamie in amusement. 

"Did you just quote Peeves from Harry Potter?" Mr. Hale asked grinning at her, "That is what he says isn't it? 'Poor ickle firsties.'"

"Hell yeah!" Jamie exclaimed high-fiving him because he recognized the quote.

Mr. Murphy sighed dramatically, trying to fight back his own smile,  but he was fighting a losing battle. 

"What time are we going to start putting the stage up at?" Jamie asked them after a few seconds.

"Well, it's four now, I've got some TY's coming back at half four to help us, so maybe we should wait until then," Mr. Murphy answered.

"That....is actually a good idea," Mr. Hale said, "to the staff-room."

As Mr. Hale raised his hand into the air dramatically like in Batman, Jamie jumped onto Mr. Murphy's back, who caught her legs and ran out of his room. Mr. Hale laughed at their actions, shaking his head slightly and closed the door behind him as he left. He sprinted to catch up with them so he could see the students faces as Mr. Murphy went through the corridors with Jamie on his back.


Jamie and Mr. Murphy laughed at all the different reactions from the different students, some seemed to be in shock, others laughed, some took pictures on their phones as proof that one of their teachers had actually gotten a piggy-back from the other, and some high-fived Jamie as they were afraid that if they tried to high-five Mr. Murphy he might drop Jamie.

"Looking good, miss!" a guy in TY said to her grinning as Mr. Murphy ran past him.

"Not looking to bad yourself, Chris," Jamie called over her shoulder to him.

As they entered the staff-room, all except for one teacher laughed when they saw the two of them. Ms. Fleming was her name, she was new to the school and had managed to not get along with anyone yet, she gave the two of them a disapproving look before going back to marking her tests. 

"Do you want some tea?" a young man called out to them from where he was boiling the kettle.

"Yes please, John," Jamie answered, "I'm sure Donkey and Genius would like a cup as well." 

John was the youngest care-taker in the school and was about twenty-six, two years older than Jamie. He had short messy black hair and kind green eyes. He was fairly tanned and was quite slim but was also quite muscular. He was around six foot three, and many of the women working in the school and even some students found him good-looking, although Jamie only thought of him as an older brother, and the treated her like a little sister. Today he wore his favourite jumper which was light blue,  a pair of jeans and black converse.

"No problem," John said grinning at them.

Mr. Murphy walked over to their table, still giving Jamie a piggy-back, turned around so his back was facing the table and dropped her onto it. 

"You know, your next boyfriend is screwed," Mr. Berrill called over to her in his strong Donegal accent from the other side of the room as he  grabbed some biscuits. 

Mr. Berrill was an Irish and History teacher, he was the most feared teacher in the school because of 'The Look' he gave to students. He was only just thirty, but many teachers would tease him and call him 'old man', even though quite a few of them were actually older than him. He had short spiky brown hair (which he loved) and chocolate brown eyes. He was fairly tanned and was about six foot four and was fairly muscular. He wore a purple shirt, which Mr. Hale called his 'Sherlock shirt', a pair of dark blue jeans and his favourite brown belt which was falling apart and red converse. 

"He really is isn't he?" Jamie asked laughing a bit, "Oh dear, and he's coming to collect me today."

"You have a boyfriend?!" Mr. Murphy exclaimed, and the entire staff-room looked over at Jamie, getting ready to enjoy the conversation. 

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