New House

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Percy POV:
Ahhhh..... darkness my old friend how I missed you in the space of 1 hour not. The last thing I remebered was being hit my that huge wave of power. I wonder what is happening outside.
I slowly opened my eyes and it was very bright so it took a few minutes I could see clearly.
I turned around to watch a blond guy with a doctors cloth standing there. I realized he must be apollo."Oh. You are awake. Its been three hours" he informed me. I was out for three hours. It felt a few minutes at the most.
I tried to stand up just to see that I was taller now and also well built for my age."You might wanna look at this cuz" apollo said holding up a mirror. At first I expected some nasty scar or something but I was surprised that my gace looked more handsome, then I noticed my eyes. They were beautiful with sea green irises with specks of different colours like firey orange, black,blue etc. I could look into it forever and not be bored... woah,woah,woah stop right there I am NOT gonna become the next narcissus." Beautiful eyes you got there cuz but we got to go the council is waiting for us". I reluctantly got up and followed him. I noticed that everything in his palace was of gold. That vase on the right side,gold, the walls,gold, everything,gold.
We finally reached a golden door after 15 mins of walking. Just how big is this place. The door had various things like appollos the best,apollo rules etc inscribed on it in ancient greek. Wait what. How could I tell that was ancient greek. I made a note to myself to ask hades about that later.
As we walked through the winding roads on olympus a lot of nymphs looked at me strangely.
After 15 minutes we reached the throne room and entered it only for every head to turn towards us."Ah you are awake. Come sit down over here" boomed zues from his throne while summoning a chair for me to sit in.
"So percy we decided that we should give you gifts on this day but that will have to wait till evening, right now this satyr will show you to your room. He will also be your guardian and friend as he is older than you but you will catch up as satyrs age half as fast as humans" informed athena . I simply nodded. The satyr was summonded. And he turned towards me and said "I am grover underwood and I am honured to serve you" anf started to bow while I quickly stopped him. "Please don't grover I am just a demigod not a god and I do not want anyone bowing down to me." I informed as he noded and the olympians smiled.
He led me to my room on olympus. It was on the highest tower on olympus and I got a magnificent veiw of olympus through the glass pannel like walls. It was big spacious and had the colour scheme of blue my favorite colour. In the living room there was a 84 inch 4k hd TV with x box and psp with every game available in cabinet. All I needed to do was decide the game I wanted to play from a list with images and the TV will start that game automatically. The recliner was a bluish gray and so were the couches(like the above pic but with greyish blue furniture).
The bedroom also had a 84 inch TV with same magic as the one in the living room and a king size bed with a lot of pillows. Whatever I wanted to eat I just go and sit in the dining table and it will appear before me. I can safely say that I love my new place. It was getting late so I decided to take a shower and go to the throne room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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