Part 4. Valentines mishap

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The new year has past and it is now almost valentines. Becca is trying to think of what to do for Dallas. She thought about writing him a poem, singing a song, buying chocolates, but she did not know what to do. While she was thinking of what to do she saw Dallas out her window working on the yard. She sighed with a racing heart. All around the house there was hearts, and valentines cards, and her brothers valentines for there classes. Everyone was still asleep when she snuck down stairs to take some of hunters candy.

When every one woke up becca was already out the house she went to go help dallas, he said she can help for a week and that was it, but he did not know what that week would turn into. Dallas had becca put fresh hay and clean water in the stall that he has been working on ever since she moved there. She was still curious as to why she had to do that she never saw a horse there.

After helping Dallas she went in the house to make sandwiches for her and Dallas. Her father was talking to someone named Cody. She thought to her self "CODY, no it can't be him we left the city and he did not come."she went back to making the sandwiches as soon as they were done she took Dallas his. "Hey cowgirl, why the pale face" Dallas asked her. "Nothing you need to worry about" she said in a calm manner."Alright" he said leaving her at that time to put wood in a pile.

The week of valentines was finally here but becca still did not have anything for Dallas. Her father went to the airport to pick Cody up what she thought was he was going to the store. After hours away he dad comes back and says " becca I have a surprise for you waiting out side." She ran out side to see what or who it was. She saw Cody step out of the car and she ran to the pasture which there on the grass she laid.

Dallas looked over in the field and saw her. He ran over to see if she was ok. "Hey are you ok" he said to becca. "Yeah I am fine " she said. Dallas laid by Becca's side and she looked over and blushed. As he laid there beside Becca he realized how much he likes her."Hey Becca what's going on, I can see something wrong" he said. "It is just, that guy Cody is my ex, we had a rough relationship, I don't think I can take one more step in that house till he is gone." She said. They both turned towards each other, and staired deep into each other's eye's.

   They both leaned in, knowing they wanted to kiss but in that very moment came Cody." Umm... What is going on here."  They both stoped, becca didn't bother to look up at Cody, but dallas looked him dead in the eye as he slowly stood to his feet. "Why were you kissing my girl"Cody said. "Dude she is not yours you don't own her" Dallas said. Becca got up told cody to back off and she took Dallas by the hand to the barn. As valentines came and went so did Cody as for dallas and becca they were growing closer and closer.

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