4 Tips to feel better

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Tip one- Don't hold in your emotions. Wither you tell someone or write it out somewhere, just get them out. If you don't you will explode and have a mental breakdown. 

Tip two- Keep routines. For example if you go to school wake up at the same time every day, go to the bathroom, then wash your face, change and eat breakfast. Not necessarily  in that order but you get the gist.

Tip three- love who you want. Dont let someone tell you that its wrong to love someone, especially if its the person. If you are LGBT+ dont stress about your parents, or your friends. If you dont feel safe then love in secret. Just love the one you fall for.

Tip four- don't judge yourself to hard. If you don't feel good then dont be afraid to change. Weither you change your mind set, or your physical appearance your allowed to change. Just love yourself.

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