The Anthropologist's Diary

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April 6th, 17:35

We finally made it into harbour somewhere around 17:00, discovering, after embarkation, that it was a small place called Seahouses. I don't think I've ever walked past so many lobster pots in my life.

Judging by the faces on the gents sitting on the bench in front of the Harbour Master's office, I think we provided a first for them too.

The remainder of the journey mainly consisted of Nicole not believing much of what we had to say, apparently determined to explain it away as some nonsense of her son's.

There was little in the way of explanation as to who she is, though judging by what I've witnessed, I wouldn't place many bets on her being a housewife.

I'm not entirely sure what her explanation for the cross-channel ferry hijack is, other than, again, some trouble that "Tor's" got himself into.

Thankfully there's no disagreement on destination. Janna and I are off to try to save the world.

Nicole is chasing a naughty boy.

I write this from the backseat of the 4x4 that Nicole rustled up from somewhere.

"Don't sweat it Prof, I'm in a car club!"

Nicole's 'car club' is on the highly casual side. It's either that or Mr. Toby Squires should be more careful where he leaves his spare suit.

I think I'm somewhat removed from reality at present.

Normally I'm less sanguine over stealing boats and cars.


April 6th, 19:15

I phoned in the location of the 'borrowed' car once we were a few hours down the track on a train doing around 100 mph. Nicole thought it overkill, whilst Janna persists in extreme caution when it comes to any traceable devices.

"Relax," I said, "It's someone else's phone, and I'm not leaving a name and address."

Her point about our 'enemy' casually hacking one of the most computer savvy people, potentially, in the world, is not lost on me. In fact, it's the enormity of everything that renders it so terribly unreal.

Quizzed Nicole about Lisbeth. All she'll say is that they are family friends, and she's safe. I'm not sure if there's such a place as 'safe' left these days. My new chaperone also remains cagey about precisely what she is.

Like mother, like son.

They aren't like any spooks I've encountered, and I've met my share. Yet there's no denying the professionalism. Maybe this is just how spies get their kicks when they aren't waist deep in some shit-storm conflict?

What is clear though, is that Nicole is an arch-sceptic, especially when it comes to Torvald. Maybe this isn't his first dance with hairbrained shenanigans, I wouldn't be surprised.

Looks like another round of question time is incoming now. Somehow, I doubt that anything Janna and I have to say will sound any less barmy this time around.


April 6th, 20:40

Pretty sure we're under surveillance again, since around York. Nicole's on edge, so I'm taking that as confirmation.

Nothing more than a few glances, but that itch behind the neck is unshakeable.

Ironically, now I'm writing in the diary to preserve the appearance of normality. Is it strange, that I miss the days sat writing up observations on cultural phenomena whilst hoping the report of bombs grows more distant?


April 6th, 22:15

We're off the train again. Some cocky sod decided to sit down next to Nicole and casually explain that 'they', presumably hired goons, had us locked down, and not to worry about it.

It was clear from his face that he didn't expect Nicole's elbow to his windpipe.

I failed to anticipate her immediate lunge for the emergency stop button. Especially as I flew towards her and ended up in a highly awkward embrace.

"Oh Professor," said she, "You're supposed to ask a lady before you go in for the kill."

She has an array of witticisms ready for nearly any eventuality.

When she shouted, rather loudly, "Fire! Evacuate", the effect was immediate, and taken up by others almost immediately. Humanity remains highly predictable.

Disembarkation was quite the scrum.

It appeared a clean getaway, until it was time to take advantage of Nicole's 'car club,' again, and another gent in a suit stepped from an alley, toting a firearm.

It's clear that they have Nicole pegged as the dangerous one, Janna and myself were virtually ignored.

Nicole was, of course, unfazed.

"Point that somewhere else, and quickly, or you'll spend far longer wallowing in regret."

Safe to say he didn't do as told.

Whilst his attention was centred on Nicole, I decided to have a chat with him. It concluded quickly, and he fell down.

Janna just stared at me; I confess to a certain enjoyment at being the 'surprising one' for a change.

Nicole, on the other hand, has taken to eyeing me in an entirely new, and not entirely uncomfortable way.

"Aha," was about all she had to say on the matter, before rifling through his pockets.

I was not expecting the MI5 warrant card she held up for our regard.

She looked as happy about it as I must have, "My my, what trouble have you all got me tied up in?"

Back on the road now.

Are we now at war with the British Government too?

There's just not enough information to know what the hell is going on.

P.S. Learning to write in shorthand code is a God-send. Nicole is not a careful driver, and writing by mobile phone light when it's dark,  is quite a frustrating experience!

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