The truth...

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I came back to my room and decided that I should take a shower and get cleaned up, I walk into my bathroom and take off my clothing, blast some music and hop in the shower. As I was scrubbing the shampoo in my hair and screaming along to my song I feel large hands wrap around my wait causing me to jump and slip but before I could fall the hands earlier hold me up and I get a better view of who it was, it was Alec "Mind if I join?" he said smirking and I giggled and turned around rinsing the lavender scented shampoo out of my hair. When I finished up I step out and wrap a towel around my body as he does the same, I was just about to walk out of my bathroom, but he spun me around and pressed against the wall "So I've been thinking" he said in a deep voice "Oh god, this isn't gonna be good" I said sarcastically causing him to giggle "What are we?, I mean we're basically together but without a title" he said I was about to tell him that we have only been on one date but I dicided to tease him a little "What do you want it to be?" I replied with a devilish look on my face.

"OMFG I'M DATING ALEC FUCKING LIGHTWOOD!" I screamed mentally as I was getting dressed, I was going to go to Magnus to ask him about earlier today so I put on a leather skater skirt, long-sleeved oujia board themed crop top, a chocker, some dangly earrings with a chain connecting your lube piercing to your cartilage, and some edgy heels. When I got to Magnus' I had a terrible feeling inside of me but I had to find out what was going on I knock and I hear a very cheerful voice come from the other side of the door "Coming" and as soon as he opened that door his wide smile turned into a frown but back into a forced smile "Hello Y/N" he spoke "Hey, I um wanted to talk to you about today" I replied hoping he would let me in so we can talk "Come in" he said and I let out a deep breath that I hadent even relized that I was holding and walk in, I was scaning the place with my eyes "I apoligize about today" he said from behind me, "Yeah, that wasnt the only thing I wanted to talk about" I replied nerous about what his reponse would be to my question "Magnus, do you still like Alec? Please be honest" he took a deep breath then said "Y/N I told you we were in the past you have nothing to worry about" and we then stood there in silence "Like I said you have nothing to worry" he said a bit embarrassed and my eyes got wide at his last word "Now?" I questioned him, he came a little closer to me and said "Look, I don't you too well but if there's one thing I know you're very nice and you don't deserve this"

The Beginning For Something New - Raphael Santiago X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now