9 I Really Like Lemonade

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in love with a ghost - i know it's not easy but you're not alone anymore

Liam was walking to the library for lunch when he was suddenly being pulled the opposite way. He said, "What the ****."

"You're going the wrong way!" Harold sung.

"Oh," Liam mumbled. "You're the fudanshi  ******. I'm going the right way."

He said, "The lunchroom is this way."

Liam shook his shoulder out of Harold's grip. "Let me have lunch in peace. Don't be a **** you piece of *****."

"Come on," he said. "Your boyfriend was looking forward to being with you during lunch. He got something for you."

He sighed, "Whatever." He gave in with a flat look on his face. "But don't touch me."

"Got it," Harold agreed.

The two of them walked into the room to the normal table the familiar group was at.

Alan saw them and waved at them. His face grew bright with happiness when he saw Liam. His brown eyes were big and brown. He pat the seat beside him.

Liam sat down beside him and said, "Harold told me you have something for me. Spit it out."

"Dang," Jesse said. "Can you be any more blunt?"

Edward scoffed at the interaction.

Liam glared at Edward and said, "Shut up, ****."

"Liam," Alan called. He placed his hand on his chin and turned his head. "Here, I know you like books, so I found this that the teacher was about to throw out."

"Wow," Edward said sarcastically. "Such a nice gay present."

Liam turned his head.

"Sweetie," Alan called at him to keep his attention. "You seemed more agitated than usual. Are you okay?"

"I don't want to be here," he responded.

"Why not?" he asked concerned.

"I hate this **** environment," Liam scowled. "There is only so much I can take. Especially around him!" He was talking about Edward. He crossed his arms and said, "I  just can't stand eyes on me. They just keep judging! I can't..." He grumbled. He was tired of people trying to mess up their relationship or looking at them as something to be watched as if something unusual. He hated the attention that was messing with their relationship.

"Oh," Alan said.

That was all he had to say to make Liam stop paying attention to himself and look at Alan for real.

"I understand," he gave him a sympathetic look. "It must have been difficult with all the attention you have been given. I'm sorry."

Liam took all of that as a sign of sadness. He couldn't keep his hardened and passive expression for too long. He quickly stood up.

Before he could walk away, Alan gripped his wrist. "Liam, take the book with you." He gave him an encouraging smile. "It's okay. I understand. Enjoy your lunch. I'll see you after practice."

He took the book and walked to the library to spend his lunch.

Alan turned to Edward and sighed, "Man, can you not be like that around him? Seriously."

"What?" Edward said. "It is a bit disgusting."

"They were just talking," Harold said. "Can you go a day without being a turd towards them?"

"Whatever," Edward said. "You two are just gross. I can't stand seeing you with him."

Alan stood up from his seat and scowled, "Can you seriously not! We are like any other couple in here! Stop being a ****, and suck it up! God!"

"Yeah, dude," Jesse said. "It's not your relationship, it's theirs."

Edward didn't say anything. He just stayed quiet. Lunch continued that way. Football practice was just the same.

When Alan walked out of the locker room after practice, he saw Liam reading the book he gave him. He walked up to him and said, "Hey, how's the book?"

Liam said, "Why do the **** you want to ******* know?"

Alan said, "Because I'm interested. I wasn't sure if self-help books on electronics is really... fun."

He said sternly, "Then why the **** would I ******* read it?"

Persona 5 - Sunset Bridge

He said, "You're right."

Liam put his book in his bag and asked, "So are we going to the Pancake Place?"

"No," he said. "Let's go to my house and chill. No one's home."

"Okay," he agreed quickly.

The both of them went to Alan's home. Once they were in his bedroom, they quickly got comfortable. They took off their shows, threw off their bags, and Liam sat on the floor. While he continued reading his book, Alan left and came back with two cups of lemonade.

Alan sat down on the bed.

Liam said after taking his first sips, "This is some bomb lemonade."

Alan said, "I wanted to say sorry about the whole going public with our relationship thing. I didn't think you would be so uncomfortable."

Liam sat down his book. "Whatever. It's not only that, but now we have people wanting to be involved in our relationship as if it's theirs. It's so...."

"Frustrating?" Alan said completing his sentence.

"Yeah," he agreed. "Like, we don't need their two cents. They need to mind their ****** business."

"Yeah," he agreed. "Let's just keep everything the same as it has been. We were content with that, and I want you to be happy."

Liam put his book up to his face and said, "Yeah. Thanks."

He moved closer to Liam who had his back on the bed's edge. He kissed him on the cheek from behind him. "If you're happy, I'm happy. No need to worry."

"Yeah, thanks," Liam said. "But I am more worried about you. I don't want to ever see you angry or sad."

"Aw," he replied. "You know it takes a lot to make me angry. You don't have to worry too much about that."

Sorry, if the chapter is bad. I just took meds for my wisdom teeth removal pain and it's a big pain pill. Big effect. Goodnight.

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