The Legend of Celena

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Once upon a time, in the kingdom by the sea, a baby girl was born to the King and Queen of Ocanus. The unnamed girl had deep, dark skin like the bottom of the ocean with black, curly hair and eyes like the night sky. The entire kingdom rejoiced at the announcement of their new princess and the only child of the royal family.

Unfortunately, the girl caught Ghost Shock, a deadly virus that raged rampant throughout kingdom. It started by eating away at the pigment in the skin and, if left alone, it would leave the victim's skin translucent and vulnerable to the sun. The virus also happened to thrive off of the sun's rays and would move on to attack the rest of the organs, depriving the victim of important minerals. The most devastating part of the virus was that the victims never lived long enough for a cure to be developed, and with princess only a few days old, she's was particularly vulnerable to the disease.

The people of Ocanus were devout worshipers of the ocean, to the point that they even named their kingdom after it. The god of the sea, Oceanus, brought them everything they needed to live. He brought them fish to eat, rain to grow crops, and sea shells to trade. They also believed that he was a wise and powerful god, one that keep the feisty waters at ease. They also believed he could fix everything as it was customary to sail their near dead or those infected with unknown illnesses back to him. As the god of the sea, Oceanus would either let the water destroy the soul aboard the boat or he would rein them in and let them live.

As the princess grew weaker with every passing day, the King and Queen decided with heavy hearts that they would have to send their daughter back to the sea. Both were weary of the idea, but knew that Oceanus would make the right decision, and so they set out to find the perfect vessel to put their daughter in.

On the day the princess turned 7 days old, it was decided that it was her time to go. Every single inhabitant of Ocanus visited the beach the princess would be sent off at. Peasants sat on the cliffs nearby as the nobles stood on the beach behind the King and Queen as they wave their daughter goodbye. Everyone watched as the small boat was pulled away from the shore as if it was Oceanus sealing her fate.

Oceanus took his time choosing whether to destroy or save the innocent girl. He thought he'd made up his mind as the waters rose up to strike down the small boat with the small girl. It wasn't until the moon, Celeana, stopped him. She explained to him that having the blood of a child on his hands would haunt him forever. He agreed to let her take control of the waves to keep the boat safe. As the sea god, he had many other obligations.

Celeana kept the sea calm for the month the girl was adrift. She sent stars down to the girl to heal her, but any time the moons goddess aided a mortal, they would have the Mark of the Moon on them for the rest of their pitiful lives. For some, it's completely white skin, but for the princess, it was white hair. The fact that Celeana was able to mark the girl upset Oceanus because he liked being the center of attention. He changed the girl's eyes to the color of sea foam to give her the Mark of the Sea.

After the month and a half that the princess was drifting at sea, she reached land with the guidance of Celeana and Oceanus. The goddess had found a worshiper of hers that had been praying for a girl of her own. The woman was Cecilé Daxson the wife of Harlan Daxson who happened to be in charge of the Daxson compound.

With the help of the druyds of the Daxson river, Celeana successfully transported the boat with the princess to Cecilé while she was praying during the full moon. As soon as Cecilé saw the boat, she knew the girl was a gift from Celeana, and in honor of the goddess that protected her, the girl was named Celena.



-Celena (Se-leh-nuh)

-Celeana (Se-lay-nuh)

-Ocanus (Okanus)

A/N: Hi guys, sorry this came up a little later than promised, I just wanted to make sure that I put out my best work instead of the sloppy writing I had yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the music to go along with chapter, feel free to comment music suggestions for future chapters. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading! ❤️

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