Story Of A Lonely Guy

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Equal credit to 5sosandfood.

I would wish upon a star, but that star, it doesn't shine
So read my book with a boring ending
A short story of a lonely guy.

~Story Of A Lonely Guy

Luke isn’t exactly sure how he’s going to get home, since in past he’s had to walk and take buses for miles, so it’s definitely a nice (and relieving) surprise to see Lisa’s car waiting for him in the front of the school. He takes a quick look both ways before stepping off the curb and walking toward the car. He approaches the passenger side and takes a quick look into the car just to make sure it’s Lisa, and when he’s confirmed it, he slides inside almost hesitantly, tucking his backpack into the space by his legs.

“Hey, Luke,” Lisa greets him with a smile, and starts the car. “How was your first day?”

Luke swallows. “Uh, okay.”

Lisa nods. “Did you meet anyone? Did you get to all your classes on time? Do you have any homework?”

“Yeah,” Luke says, not sure which question he should respond to, so he responds to all of them.

Lisa keeps her eyes on the road, but hangs on his words. Or rather, word. She seems to understand, at the very least, the overwhelmed sensation Luke’s feeling. Because Luke is definitely overwhelmed.

It’s all a bit much to take in and Luke’s almost a little crushed. He’s used to all this shuffling around, of course, but new family new school new friends new everything and Luke can’t wait to get up to his room (his room) and just relax.

When they return home, Luke thinks he’ll be able to go onto his room immediately, and he almost sighs out loud with relief, but Lisa stops him just as he’s about to turn down the hall.

“Luke? Would you be okay with talking with me for a bit?”

Luke politely tells her yes and sits with her in the kitchen, waiting for her to speak. “So I’m sure as you’re aware, there are certain rules you’ll have to follow,” Lisa says. “Now that you’re in school, I recognize that you may have to go over to people’s houses sometimes for schoolwork, or just for fun, and that you may do extracurriculars or stay out late sometimes.”

Luke nods, eyes focused on the wood grain of the table.

“Craig and I are in full support of you doing all that, but we require that if you are going somewhere, you need to text one of us and notify us so we know where you are. Your casework records are pretty good, and it looks like we can trust you, so just let us know if you’re headed somewhere other than home. And curfew is 10:30 during the week and 11:30 on the weekends.” 

Luke nods again, unsure as to whether or not he’s even supposed to say anything.

“Is that alright with you, Luke? You can say something if you want.”

“It’s fine,” Luke says. “The times are great.” Luke doesn’t think he’ll actually have enough of a social life to be out late, anyway.

“Okay. If something happens though, and you’ll have to be back later than curfew allows, just make sure to call us, okay? We need to know.”

“Alright.” Luke nods with a small smile.

“You’re a good kid, Luke. I’m sure I can trust you.”

Luke feels a sense of pride that she believes in him. He’s never really had a reason to be any trouble to his past foster parents, so his record is particularly good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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