The day it all started😍

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Shawn's Concert

There I was watching my hero, love of my life , idol play his music in person. I was fascinated by him and when I came for him to sing 'A little too much' that's when he noticed me , his gorgeous hazel brown/green eyes met with mine ,it's as if time just stopped and it was just me and Shawn in the entire arena for that whole entire song.
During the end of the show he got Geoff to ask me to stay behind after the show which I was hysterical over!
So I waited at the end of the show thinking 'why does Shawn Mendes want to talk to ME'
Shawn came out and this is how it all started...:
Shawn: Hey, how are you?
Me: OMG Hi , *nearly starts to cry* I'm just amazing now that I got to see you play in person!💕
Shawn: Awe thank you , I'm glad I got to talk to you , you just stood out to me from the crowd and probably the only Girl that hasn't tried to claw off my face!😂
Me:Hahaha yikes I'm guessing girls like to try kiss your face off at M&Gs😂(why did I just say that oml🤦🏻‍♀️).
Shawn:So what's your name gorgeous?
Me: Monique , there's no need for me to ask your name😂, your honesty the most amazing ,kind ,caring and selfless person I've ever known , like you're my hero!💕
Shawn: awee thank you Monique , I love the name by the way💕, I thought you stood out from the crowd because that little girl you let up the front was just the most kindest thing I've ever seen anyone do, like everyone else was nearly walking all over her and you took her hand and pulled her up the front beside you!😍
Me:Awee really , well I just like to help people and that little girl was nearly crying to get up the front , I couldn't bare to see her cry so I pulled her up beside me and that smile on her face was just the most amazing and happiest smile I've ever seen!🤗
Shawn: You barely ever see people with that kindness ,unselfishness and they put others before themselves , I love to see people like that and I just had to get to know you when I saw that you done that!💕
Me: I just don't like to see people unhappy and I'd always put others before me no matter what!😊
Shawn: Hey do you want to I dunno go to Starbucks and get a hot drink it's kind cold out?
Me: yeah sure I could use a Cinnamon latte😂
Okay so this is kind short and it's also my first story so I might just be blabbering about stuff that won't make sense , I'll try make the chapters longer as the story goes , Ly guys💕😘 #mendesarmy4life

Shawn Mendes- The Day I met the most amazing Boy 💕Where stories live. Discover now