The Letter

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Dear E,
Do you know what a soulmate is? Your first thought might be the cliche of your forever someone, right? Wrong that's only the half of it.

Soul Mate
ˈsōl ˌmāt/
A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

I want you and many others to understand a soulmate isn't just your "romantic partner", they're that friend who sticks with you through thick and thin, the friend whose not afraid to tell you her opinion. They're that friend you know you'll have a lifetime. And for me you are that friend I don't know if you'll ever read this but I love you. You're my rock? you're the reason I am still standing here today. A few years ago before we became friends again after a years difference suicide was a constant on my mind. I hated everything about myself and I hated everyday waking up, I had made a plan to end it all. In the end I didn't because you were there for me you are some how able to handle me, and I love you for that. This is my letter to you. My soulmate, my sister, my friend

Forever And More,

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