I done got tagged

28 4 24

Well I still haven't done my other tag yet, but now that I'm here...

Well I still haven't done my other tag yet, but now that I'm here

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...dragonswirl tagged me.
Thanks, friend
Hopefully I can finish this tag unlike the other one XD

1. Do I have a crush?
Uhhh... not really
Sometimes I pass really cute guys in the hall and I point them out to my friends but... that doesn't really count.
If you want to know my anime crush it's probably.... the king from Ouran high school host club XD
That's sort of a joke but at the same time... I love him

2. Middle name?
Belle. After my great (great?) grandma

3. Height?
I don't have one
Jk it's like 5 foot 2 or 3... I can't remember. Pretty much average.

4. Eye color?
To be honest, it varies from day to day. It goes sorta gray sometimes, but it's also a sorta sea green with a bluish ring a lot of the time. And there's a brown speck in my right one.

5. Last time I cried?
Probably while watching my anime. Or while reading Abhorsen by Garth Nix. Or maybe while reading something dragonswirl wrote :)

6. Biggest fear?
...that my whole life is a lie and that pretty much everyone I'm friends with are just pretending to be my friends out of pity for my pathetic social skills...
Also that while I'm alone in my house someone will break in and brutally murder me which is why I generally don't watch scary movies especially by myself.

7. Last song I listened to?
Uhhhh.... well the last actual song I listened to was Fast Car by Tracy Chapman but the last song I was listening to was the Wizard of Oz pit music soundtrack because I'm in the pit for it and I totally failed our first rehearsal so I'm being a good girl and trying to learn my part 😂

8. Last person I texted?
Dragonswirl. She's pretty much the only person I text on a regular basis

9. Favorite app?
We'll probably any music apps... or wattpad

10. Uhhhhh... I don't know 20 people on wattpad
So here's like 5
Jk I only know 4 people

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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