Chapter 1 - New Adventures and Murders

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The club was alive like always as a navy blue and gold Lamborghini Veneno screeches around the corner. It's head lights flashing in warning as it lets out one last throaty growl.

Suddenly the engine is cut and out steps a beautiful woman. Her skimpy dress was made of blue and gold diamonds and matched the choker that had a snug grasp on her delicate neck. Her heels snapped against the pavement as her deep blue locks bounced with her.

The gun strapped to her thigh was unmistakable as it glistened in the light, though it didn't catch the light as much as her twin blades perched on her back. The words "DEATH" and "LIFE" carved into her blades, left many speechless but the stares didn't seem to faze the woman.

She sauntered up to the doors not pausing for the bouncer and shoved past him with a little giggle. As soon as she was in the club she turned to find the man with her money.

His green strands of hair peeped over the crowd as he danced with a few girls, one of which happened to be wearing the same dress as hers. In a split second, a hand was on the trigger and a single shot rang out. The young girl dropped to the ground in a pool of her own blood that had been seeping from a the small hole in between her wide eyes.

All attention snapped to the blue-haired female as she smiled, blowing out the smoke from the shot. "I see I got your attention. Now, where's my money?" She snarled at the green haired man, he gave a laugh before looking into the raging violet eyes of the female.

"Ivy, dear, how I've missed you. Is that dress new?" He asked timidly,  trying to look into Ivy's icy eyes that slowly changed from violet to a dark scarlet red. "I will give you ten seconds Damien before I place a bullet in your skull and take it myself."

He heaved a sigh before calling over a bodyguard that had a case in his hands. "I hope you know that this set me back a couple thousand dollars." He stated in an angry voice his temper flaring when she smirked,

"Why should I care, Damien. I just came to get my money and to have fun. You are a worker and I'm your queen unless you change your mind. Then I can terminate our relationship." He stiffened at her words, the calming tone hiding the undertone of amused anger, as she continued he grew tenser. "Or I could just kill your wife, all her struggling is quite annoying, and she is messing up my paint," She whines, her smile growing when he shrinks back in fear.

She listens closely to the familiar tune that plays over the speakers and starts to hum along with it. "Bitch better have my money. Pay me what you owe me. " She sings along watching as he shrinks back more, he shoves the case to one of her guards, who opens it only to have his eyes widen in terror as he sees a bomb.

She jumps to attention, curling her body around the case as a loud pop echoes throughout the building. After a few seconds she uncurls herself, standing tall and uninjured, pushing one lose curl back her hands tighten into fists crushing the case in her hands. She snarls, " Trying to kill me? Fine, I'll just take what I want. But first..." As fast as you can blink her gun is up and there is a bullet in his head.

"EVERYONE OUT!!!" She screeches, her temperament flaring, "Search the place boys, and kill the woman in my back she's annoying." Her body is tense, showing her clear rage and loathing.

She growls, turning to walk back out of the building. "I got all dressed up for nothing. Stupid girl messed up my fragging paint too." She grumbles as she steps into the crowded streets, her holoform fizzles out of existence and leaves most people in a confused haze of fear.

The roar of her engine cuts through the tense air as she peels out of there and towards the open roads. She can hear the sirens as she swerves in between lanes, switching on a different radio stations, she continues driving as if nothing is happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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