Ready or Not

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 "Scientists and astronomers are puzzled by the events of yesterday that have continued into this morning. The puzzling case of a missing sun. Since around 7:30 pm last night the world saw no sun come through the sky. While scientists are working on an explanation and a possible solution citizens are recommended to stay inside and not panic, they will be finding the cause of this quite quickly. This is Lina Barbra, signing off." Came from the TV as I walked downstairs. Last night Kay and I adored the night sky and counted the amount of shooting stars streaking across the sky. We counted seven before we got to bed.

 "Good morning, I guess?" I said as I walked in the living room; my family was surrounding the TV quiet, "I heard what happened to the sun." How could I say that so casual? It wasn't everyday there wasn't a sun on a clear day.

 "I guess since everyone's here this is the best time to announce this, we're going to be moving ,as a family, to a research bunker far away from here. I've been requested to work on this particular case and because you are my family, we'll all be going." I was shocked. We were moving, all of us. But I couldn't move, I was going to college next week and what about Kara, Kay, and Felix lived an hour away. They had to get their stuff too.

 "But what about college? And Felix needs to get their things from their house which is an hour away," I countered.

 "I understand, and you will go to school once this blows over, and until then there will be some classes at the bunker you can take. As for Felix, Kara, and Kay, Felix and Kay found out about the sun going out last night and drove through the night to get some of the items they didn't bring. The moving truck will be here tomorrow, it's best we start packing. Pack heavy winter clothes, things could get cold pretty quickly" I was still upset, but at least we were all together. 

 "I can help you pack Cat!" Kay said tugging on the end of my shirt, instantly distracting me from the incoming issues.

 "Ok let's go Kay," I said as Kay and I walked up the stairs back to my room. When we got to my room I grabbed my phone and went outside. The air was much different compared to last night the air was colder, for the summer that is and some of the flowers in my garden were wilting. I snapped a picture of the milky way, I loved night sky scenes and had about a 100 pictures of the moon on my laptop. The moon, that's right. If the sun was out I wouldn't see it any more since there was no sun.

 "Catie! Come back in, your letting all the cold air in!" Kay yelled to break me out of the trance I was put in by my thoughts and the night sky almost made to look like I was walking in a dream. 

 "Coming!" I turned around and walked back in to my room, making sure to lock my sliding door behind me. 

 "It's really beautiful out there." I said to Kay as I pulled my suitcases out from under my bed.

 "It it, but it's so cold out there." She had a point.

 "It's not that cold, there was just a sharp drop in temperature, you'll get used to it once your wearing proper clothes," I picked her up and moved her to her pile of dolls on the floor so I could start packing my suitcases, "I love your cute little sun dress, but you should go run and put on some leggings and a long shirt."

 "Ok!" She yelled and ran out to her parents room to get some longer clothes. I turned back to my closet to start pulling out clothes, I didn't pull out much from my closet because most of my winter clothes were in my dresser. Once my clothes were packed, I went on to pack some items I wanted to take with me, my laptop and phone, some books, photo albums and photos in frames, jewelry, medicine, and a few nick knacks from friends and family. 

 "Cat! Lunch is ready!" Felix yelled, probably from the kitchen. I ran down to the dining room where lunch was already made and everyone was waiting for me.

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