Unlocking The Heart's Desires

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"A-Ahh...Kibougamine Private Academy..." The young boy stood with an amazed face in front a steel gate that belonged to an enormous academy that towered over the city's centeral, upper-class residential distric, "I never thought I would get a chance at a school like this. This is such an honor..!" Kibougamine Private Academy, a super privileged academy to gather students with outstanding talents so that the students may come out with an idea of succession in their lives. Those said to graduate where guarantee a life of success. Year after year, Kibougamine Academy has been producing many successful students in every displine possible. Those who are accepted, even get a chance to enter the academy receive a sense a hope, giving such a prestigous academy the nickname of, "Hope's Peak Academy." In order to get into such a place, you must qualify enrollment. You are required to meet two of them: 1. "You must currently be enrolled in high school." 2. "You must excel in all subjects." There was no application needed to get in...you were scouted by the academy, and yet...here I am...


Ya' know, I might as well start off by introducing myself, even if it may not be that important at the time. Hi, my name is Makoto Naegi. As it is, I'm an ordinary, average high-school student...heh, don't go believeing that I will be different on the inside. All of that will drive your mind to an insane lie. I'm not special. I do not posses any "extraordinary" skill at all. I practially don't accel with any talent. I do not favor things; I don't contain a stand in this world. You want to know more about me? My likings, my interests? Just view whatever is on the world's charts. If it is number one, then that is what I most likely preferr. That seems like something that would come out of an average, high-school student...almost to a cliche degree...Yup. That's me. That was your book introduction on me-- a rather great example if I say so myself. Eh, I may have said that I have no skill, but if I had to consider myself something, anything, then I would have to say that I'm a little more optimistic than most...I guess...


Yet, somehow, normal, everyday me was standing in front of a building such as described...I couldn't believe it...it was like a dream come true. "This is a fantasy...coming to such an amazing place...I'm not going insane in the membrane...am I? No. That isn't possible..." I, indeed, felt out of place. I shouldn't be in a place like this. I'm an ordinary high-school student. What right do I have to be in the presance of school of this status? I'll tell you why. Apparently a bunch of students are entered into a raffle and one lucky student gets a chance at attending an academy like this...I guess you can piece the rest of the puzzle together at this point. Ultimate Luck rght? Sounds kind of cool, but not as cool as the students who actually deserve to attend this academy; Ultimate Singer, Ultimate All Star, Ultimate Supermodel. Heck, there is even an Ultimate Scion. I am just an ant to an ant-eater in a situation like this. Worthless prey. I have no need to dive into a herd of ravenous lions.


I don't deserve to be here, I may be repeatative, but I really don't. I began to mumble to myself, lowering my gaze to the admissions notice, received days ago before my arrival, that was in my hand. "All New Students: meet in the entrance hall at 8:00 A.M." According to the current time, I have a bit of time before the schedualed meet up, however...


"I should get going...what else am I going to do...? Y-Yeah...that's the right choice...here goes!" After fighting a mental debate for a resolve that was sort of not needed for one's first day of classes, I headed toward the enterance hall. "I can't believe I get to do this. This is a dream come true, yet...why is no one else here...? It would seem resonable that some would come here early. It was human nature. I looked up at the enterance halls gorgeous clock, reading that the time was only 7:10. Our meeting is at 8:00, right? That gives me a total of fifty minutes before I meet anyone. "I guess I got nervous. Heh, that is expected..." I don't feel like standing here, I'll get restless. I then decided to venture further into the halls of the academy, my first steps sending mind erasing hope into my new life in this academy...well...that is what I was suppoed to believe..."G-Geh...?!" When my foot touched that cold floor, the world began to twist and spin, sending my vision into what seemed like cotton candy. I felt sick, about to the point where I would collapse. It was just a matter of moments. My sprouting lust wanted it to come in the split second of time. My wish...it was about to be granted; my body touching the lifeless floor below me, my head slamming against the ground without any problems at all. "Ugh..." My eyes drifted to a shut. I felt scared, but I had no other choice but to let my mind and body black out and wait for what was to come to me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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