family ch.1

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Jacksons POV





These are all thing that I go throw and my so called family. Are the ones doing it to me and I hate all of them

But before that let me tell you something...

My name is Jackson rose(use to be brawman) I am 6 and i am the son of taiyang xio long and raven brawman I am also the little brother to yang xio long by a year

I...have never been close to my sister or father because I look nothing like them plus I share no interest with them...

...if I'm being truthful I am more closer to my mother and she dousent  mind that I look nothing like them because I have Grey eyes and black hair with white and at first I only had one strand of white hair but over time it grew

At first life was good me and  yang would play and tai was a good father but that all changed when my mother raven left and taiyang went in to a deep depretion until he meet summer rose and he remarried and she was one of the kindest people ever and they had ruby


Then they began to ignore me and I thought nothing of it until yang and ruby started blaming me for things and tai and summer would get mad and at first they would ground me or talk to me but then they began to hit me and abuse me and I hopedNO! I prayed they would stop...

...but they didn't...

...and soon I was nothing more then a slave force to do the chores and laundry and be the family punching bag hell even ruby called me names and would fake to be hurt so I would get introble and began

I began to question if there was such a thing as love,care,friendship


...such pure kind hearted emotions...

...but sadly they won't and can't reach me...

...because I have lived my life in pain and hate for far to long...

And after a while I began to plain for escape but before I can I discovered two little something's and thows tow thing are my aura and semblance when I discovered my semblance one word came to mind a word I have no idea where its from or what it means and that word is...


...I don't know what it mean but when I say it I fell power and straight and today,today I escape this hell hole and leave to fourge my own path and maybe find my mom my real mom not summer rose and you wonder what the plan is well here it is...

...walk out the front door...

...and I know it sounds stupid but with my semblance and power I can stop any of them and walk away with a scratch and I will

No one POV

The rose and xio long family (mines Jackson) were down stairs eating dinner and all was peacfull and they were talking until taiyang noticed that Jackson walked by and was heading twords the front door with a backpack and tai said

"Hay disappointment where the hell do you think your going?!" And Jackson looked at him with a cold glare and stared at him and then opened the front door and walked out and tai got pissd and said

"Hay get back here you little shit!" And he ran threw the front door and the rest of the family did as well and as they got outside they could see Jackson standing there with tai across from him but what was interesting was Jackson had somesort of weapon on his right hand

"Hay get back here you little shit!" And he ran threw the front door and the rest of the family did as well and as they got outside they could see Jackson standing there with tai across from him but what was interesting was Jackson had somesort of...

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And tai said

"What do you think your doing! You get back inside give me that weapon and go back to your room!" And he just glared and tai yelled again

"Hay! Awnser me boy! Now!" And he just said

"...die..." And he charged at break neck speeds surprising and suddenly tai was cut on his right side of his gut while Jackson stood behind him with blood on his blade as he turned around and stared at him and tai kneeled on the ground while holding his wound and then qrow (who was watching) said

"Hay kid stop this!" And Jackson looked at him with the same stare and pointed his blade at him and charged but this time qrow doged and then pulled out his blade and charged but then they keept charging and crossing blades until Jackson jumped back and stared at him and qrow said

"Kid! Stop this there is no need for this!" And Jackson said

"Yha right there is no need for this...because I can end this right now" then Jackson began to glow a red color and qrow was confused until Jackson yelled

"Trans-arm!!!" And he charged but this time he was faster and was leaving behind after images qrow tryd to block or doge but Jackson was faster and after about three minutes Jackson was standing there completely unskaved while qrow was covered in cuts and yang who was 7 yelled

"Hay bro stop!" And suddenly Jackson appeared in front of her with his blade at her neck and she was frozen and summer watched with fear and the same went with a 5 year old ruby and then Jackson said

"You! Don't get to call me bro or brother or anything! We are not family and WE never will be!" And he put his blade away and jumped back and looked around and said

"Look at all of pitiful" and he turned around and started to walk away and summer used her semblance (its like Ruby's but with white rose petals) to run at him but he turned around and shot her in the leg and she fell to the ground holding her leg in pain and he turned around again and continued walking while saying

"Good bye rose and brawman family...
See you in hell"

RWBY: exia Where stories live. Discover now