Chapter Two

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Annora's POV

My alarm went off the next morning at seven o'clock and I sat up, stretching out my arms. I couldn't hear Mom making coffee or breakfast, so she was probably still working on the mission from last night or she went out on another one this morning before I woke up.

I got up and walked over to my closet to grab my pair of jean shorts, a pair of black tights, a plain black tank top and a copy of Mom's bomber jacket that she gave to me when I was ten. It finally fits me after six years of waiting. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my backpack and and ran downstairs to finish getting ready for school. Not that I really needed to go because I've pretty much graduated already.

I put on my black beanie and walked out onto the streets of London where the sun was shining after the rain last night. I kept my head down so as not to be noticed by anyone as "Tracer's Daughter." I've been called that my whole life and it doesn't get any better as I grow up. At school, I put my head up as I walked to my first class, physical education. It's my favorite class because I can be active in an open space without leaving the house.

I stretched out my legs before going for a run around the track. I always told Mom that if I wasn't able to be a vigilante/illegal Overwatch agent like her, I wanted to be a track athlete. She always smiled and encouraged me to go for it. I finished stretching and went outside to go for a run. My best time is less than five minutes to run a mile while most of my other classmates run a mile in ten minutes. Mom has always been proud of me of how hard I work and what I accomplish for after all of it.

I saw my coach standing off to the side watching me run the track with a stopwatch in his hand. I took deep breaths as I ran and finished my run. I took deeper breaths after I finished and walked over to my coach who was smiling.

"4:30. New record. Good job Annora." I smiled and bent over trying to catch my breath. Mom would be happy to hear that at the dinner table. "Run inside, it's almost time for class." I ran inside to the gym and saw my classmates running around with each other. I had no friends in this class because my one friend, Kinsley, has asthma and can't run for long before collapsing in a bundle of raspy breaths. Therefore, she only takes classes that don't require physical activities.

After physical education, where we played indoor tennis for an hour, I walked into my advanced math class that I'm barely scraping by in. Only because of Kinsley am I going to be able to graduate a year ahead of schedule. I smiled at her sitting in her normal spot in the middle of the group of desks near the windows, her light brown hair shining in the artificial light.

Kinsley is extremely proud of the fact that she is the daughter of Mei-Ling Zhou, an Overwatch agent from back in the old days who fought with my mom and all her friends. But she is also extremely humble about it and doesn't brag about it to the people who recognise her in public. We got along immediately because our mothers saw each other at our high school orientation and the other parents recognised them, which embarrassed the two of us equally and brought us together.

I patted her head and she looked up from her math textbook that she always carried with her. She smiled and patted the desk next to her while looking back down at her textbook. I sighed and pulled out my math notebook and homework that was surprisingly easy and I didn't need help with.

"Six days until you turn seventeen! Are you ready for that?" She asked, looking over at me and pushing some of my hair out of my face. I smiled and pushed the hair behind my ear.

"Absolutely. Mom is finally telling me who my real parents are on my birthday, so it can't come fast enough." Her head shot up further and she looked at me.

"Really? She is?" I nodded and opened my notebook.

"I finally persuaded her to tell me. So it's going to be my birthday present." The bell rang and the teacher walked in. I sat and listened to the teacher to make sure I understood the lesson and was able to do the homework for that night.

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