Chapter 3 - My type?

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Brigit's P.O.V.

"BRIGIT!" I heard Niall's voice as I ran down the street. "Wait!" 

I turned around sharply, wiping away the silent tears that flowed down my cheeks. 

"What?" I snapped. 

He quickly caught his breath from running "please don't just walk away, I didn't mean to upset you." His ocean blue eyes were filled with concern. 

"You didn't upset me Niall." I tried to reassure him. 

"But you're crying." He sighed, stepping closer so we were looking into each other's eyes. 

"I just don't like to talk about my past, you know?" 

He nodded once. "Sounds like you've had a rough time. 

I laughed without humour. "Yeah, you could say that."

Niall's P.O.V.

She gave me the most heart-melting smile, all I wanted to do was give her a Horan Hug. 

"Come here." I whispered, wrapping my arms around her in a friendly way. 

She returned the gesture. 

"Thanks, I needed that." She laughed again, this time with a real smile. 

What was going on here? I liked this girl, a lot. She seemed cute and shy; my type. 

I couldn't let her leave. 

"Can I have your number?" I asked nicely. 

"Er, sure." We both took out our phones and exchanged numbers. 

I pulled her in for one last hug. "I'll text you, we can meet up sometime?" 

"I'd love to." She giggled timidly. 

Her tears had stopped, which actually made me feel so much better. I hated seeing girls cry. 

"Bye, Niall." She turned around and made her way to the bus stop. 

"Bye." I whispered.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Hmm, what to do?" Danielle winked seductively, snuggling closer into my chest. 

I tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear "well, the others have gone to another club. So..." My voice trailed off as she brought her lips to mine. 

I smiled into the kiss. 

I placed my hands on her waist and brought her on top of me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. 

Moments like these were perfect. 

"What's the craic?!" Niall burst into the room. 

I quickly pushed her off of me and straightened out my clothes. She blushed slightly. 

"Oops, bad timing." He laughed. 

"Nialler, knock first!" I messed up his hair. He pouted and walked over to the kitchen. 

I realised nobody else was in the house. "Is it just you?" I asked in confusion. Did he not go out with the others? 

"Yeah, the lads are absolutely slaughtered." He laughed to himself. "Louis called me and said he was engaged to Haz." 

I rolled my eyes humorously, that is the typical thing Louis Tomlinson does when he's drunk. 

"You didn't go with them?" I guessed from his surprisingly sober voice. 

"Nah mate." He fixed himself a sandwich. "I met a girl at the club though." He added. 

'Ooooooooo' Danielle and I both teased in unison. 

His cheeks turned deep scarlet. "Right, I'm going to bed. Carry on with whatever you were doing." He snickered, before running up the stairs. 

I wiggled my eyebrows at Danielle. Alone time, finally!

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