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snowball night//part two

mike and el walked down the stairs, going back to the gym to meet up with the others. walking through the doors hand in hand, their eyes instantly meet with chief jim hopper, who was sitting in the chair mike was in before el came. he looked scared and angry, glaring at their hands that were still intertwined, then up to eleven, who seemed no where near scared.

mike on the other hand, was terrified. he couldn't move. so when the chief stood up and began to walk towards them, mikes posture shot up, and he tried to let go of elevens hand, thinking he did something horribly wrong. but el gripped his hand not letting go, and caressed her thumb over the back of mikes hand. this allowed mike to loosen up a bit, and his posture wasn't as obviously straightened. el looked at mike, bringing her other hand that was free to rub his arm. he looked at her and she smiled. he smiled back at her.  she was still wearing his jacket, even though the gym felt extremely warm. both of them turned their faces to look at the man who was now in front of them.

hopper was looking them both up and down, and he looked furious. he looked at mike first. "where were you two?" he asked him, poking his finger into mikes chest. mike shrugged and looked at el, then back to hopper. "she told me she needed some air, so we went outside for a bit." hopper looked at el now but was still talking to mike, his finger not moving from the poor boys chest. "why's she wearing your coat?" mike looked back at el once more. "it's cold out, sir. I didn't want her to get sick." hopper now looked at mike, and lowered his hand. "well thank you for your actions, wheeler." he lightly placed his hand on mikes shoulder. "you're quite the gentleman." mike smiled proudly. "thank you, sir."

mike turned to look at el, who was already looking and smiling up at him. hopper interrupted the adorable eye contact by clearing his throat. they both turned their heads around to hear what he had to say. "thank you for giving el a good time, wheeler. you have no idea how many damn times she would ask about when it was or if she missed it." hopper chuckled. mike laughed and looked over to her. she and hopper were looking at one another, hopper talking and el smiling back at him-so big in fact that you could see her teeth. it was rare for anyone to see elevens teeth, mostly because she talks fairly quietly and she doesn't smile often. but tonight, she wasn't able to stop smiling. she was happy, she was so, so happy.

hopper now took his hand off of mikes shoulder and placed his other hand on elevens upper arm, which was still covered with mikes blazer. "we best be going, yeah? you look tired." el's smile began to fade as she slowly shook her head. ", no I don't want to go. not yet." hopper looked at her with a sincere look that mike had never seen on his face before. "it's getting late kid. it's better to leave now, while no one's paying attention." el gripped mikes hand that she was holding harder, as she slowly hid behind his shoulder while still looking at hopper. hopper just rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh. "oh my lord..." mike heard him say under his breath. "you know hop..." mike began,  looking at hopper and caressing his thumb over elevens hand. "maybe i could go home with," hopper gave him a glare "you...guys?" mike finished with his voice getting higher near the end, kind of regretting asking. but he felt el's cheekbones form into a smile against his shoulder, which put him at ease a little bit.

"let me get this through my head, pal..." hopper started. "you want to come home," he pointed to el then back at him. "with us?" mike didn't know how to respond. he could either be beat up right there and then, or go home with his favourite person in the world. "yeah," mike shrugged. "why not?" he smiled at hopper. hopper gave mike a glare and mike didn't flinch. he sighed and looked at his watch. he looked up at mike and rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah why not. lets just get going." he said turning around. el faced mike with a huge smile. mike smiled back a toothy grin as hopper turned back around. "lets go as in, now." hopper said gesturing to the gym door. mike turned around to hopper once more and said "oh yeah. right. c'mon el." mike said, beginning to walk pulling el with him.

813 words
short chapter sorry

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