A reveal

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Spencer's POV

Wren is A. Wren is the one who did this.
It all made sense now. He was A and he wanted me to himself that's why he was at Radley and that was why he tried to hurt Toby.
I've never thought of him as the violent type but boy was I wrong.
When the police showed up I called the girls including Mona and told them who A was.
We are finally free. Me and Toby can have our happy ending.
There's just one thing that playing on my mind.
Wren was the reason Hanna is where she is.

*phone rings*


"Hello Spencer"
"Hey Caleb everything okay?"
"You better get here quick Hanna just woke up she's going to okay"
"Oh my God we're on our way."
I hang up the phone grab Toby and we race down to the hospital to see Hanna. Who now was going to live a long happy life with Caleb.
#haleb forever

Me, Toby, Hanna and Caleb laughed  day in the hospital, talking about the stupid things we used to do.

"I'm like Han calm down its just the mall"
"Caleb it was the Mall of America. The biggest mall in the untied States."
"Yeah well Hanna likes her clothes."
"Yeah but you are a little book worm. I'm just like how do fit all that into your one head."
"Can you imagine all of us combine in one person?" Toby smiles.
"That would be awesome, we would have the best fashion sense, crazing hacking skills, we'd be able to build anything and basically Ace any quiz we want because we get way to excited about math equations." I rabble and we all laugh again.

"Do you know that when I got hit by the car I thought I was a gonna and I thought if the last thing I see is my best friends I'm okay with that. Even this time it was you guys that got me through it."
"Well we couldn't do it without you Han." Caleb kissed Hanna. He was sat up in the bed with her while I was sat at the end of the bed next to Toby.

We left the hospital once it was dark outside and we grabbed some take out from the grille on the way home.

We made it home at around 8:30 and we cuddled up on the sofa eating our take out whilst watching the series finale of Charmed because I just can't stop watching it.

I start crying when Piper is crying over Pheobes dead body. I know they fix everything and they get a happy ending but it still makes me cry.

Toby wipes my tears away and smiles at me.

"Hey what's wrong?"
"It gets me everytime" he chuckled.

Once it finished we stayed up all night just talking.

"What about liliana for a girl"
"Mm no it reminds me to much of Pheobes mother from friends."
"Spencer you watch way to much tv"
"What would rather I said it reminds me of Fiona's mother from shrek."
"Well I guess not."
"Anyway what about Hunter for a boy?"
"It's perfect"

The next day

I knocked on the front door of the Hastings household, breathing deep breaths and bracing myself for talking to my father about my baby and that I'm keeping it.

When he opened the door he had a smile on his face and he gave me a hug and welcoming me in as if I was one of his old best friends.

He places a cup of ice cold water on the counter for me to drink since I'm not aloud coffee and sits opposite me.

"So your mother and I have talked."
"Dad please don't be mad"
"I'm not mad"
"Your not?"
"No, trust me I'm not happy about this but after what Hanna went through these past few days I realised I'm lucky you are sat in front of me"
"Thank you dad."

He looked down at his drink before looking me straight in the eye. He looked guilty even a little bit lost.

"I talked to Jason"
"You did?"
"Yes he told me about how A came back at the end of this summer. I know it was Wren. I also thanked Jason for taking such good care of you."
"Well who'd thought a Dilaurentis boy good be such a good brother to a little Hastings."
My dad chuckled and looked happy like he used to when ever he won a case.
"Well I'm just glad that everything has worked out"
"Me too Dad"

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