*-Chapter Nine-*

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I fucking hate Wattpad sometimes -.- People who write books knows how it feels when you write a whole chapter and it just deletes... when you know you saved it! -.-

"Samantha! Samantha!" Samantha giggled a little. Jessica then pouched on Samantha, sending them both falling to the floor. "How did you get into my house?" Samantha asked. "My dad drove me here! I have to ask you something really important!" Samantha smiled and lightly pushed Jessica off of her. "What is it?" Asked Samantha. Jessica opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again. "What was I going to say again..?" Jessica mumbled. Samantha heard that and giggled. "Oh! Would you like to come to my place for dinner?" Samantha widen her eyes a bit. "Y-Yes!" Samantha then went over and hugged Jessica. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Said Jessica. Samantha smiled from ear to ear. Her first friend! Her first friend invited her to have dinner at her house! Jessica soon stopped hugging Samantha and looked around her room. 'She has a really pretty room!' Thought Jessica in her mind. Her eyes looked everywhere before it landing on a stuffed dog. "Is that a doggie?" Asked Jessica. Samantha looked over where Jessica was looking at. "Yeah! That was my grandmothers. My mommy and daddy says she is sleeping and never wake up! Hopefully I can see her this Christmas!" Jessica felt like tearing up. She knew what 'going to sleep and never waking up' means. Jessica then went over to Samantha and hugged her. Samantha hugged Jessica back. "You will see her one day.." Samantha smiled, "I know I am." Jessica backed away from the hug, smiling. "Jess! Come on!" Jessica looked over at her dad and smiled more after seeing Samantha's parents right there with a sleeping bag in the mom's hand. Samantha widen her eyes after seeing the bag. "A-Am I-" Samantha's parents cut her off, "Yes." They said almost at the exact same time. The two girls squeal, while jumping up and down from joy.

Soon the two girls (and Jessica's father) were on their way to Jessica's house.

They eat, and went up to Jessica's bedroom. Them soon making jokes, laughing, and just having a great time.

This memory is the one that Jessica didn't want to remember. But she just had to bring it up.

"Jess?" Jessica looked over at Samantha and smiled. "Yeah Sam?" Samantha rolled her eyes. She doesn't really like that nickname. Samantha put her homework, that she had in her lap, and sat it on the ground. Coming up to Jessica on her bed. "Jess... remember when we first met? In kindergarten?" Jessica looked at Samantha in the eyes and smiled. "Yeah, the first time we met. Also the first time you slept over at a friend's house." Samantha lightly blushed at that eight old year again memory. "I loved that." Said Samantha under her breath. "I also did." Said Jessica. Samantha smiled slightly. "Why are you bringing this up, Samantha?" Asked Jessica, tilting her head a little like she was a lost dog wanting a owner. "We-Well I-I.." Jessica was confused about this. Samantha never stuttered unless she wanted to tell her something really important. Jessica put one of her hands on Samantha's thigh. "You can tell me, y'know? We are best friends! Ever since kindergarten." Said Jessica. Samantha breath in and out, looking up at Jessica in the eye. "I-I-I.... I wanted to see if you wanted to come to my birthday party?" Samantha lied. Of course that wasn't why. Jessica furrowed her eyebrows. "You already asked me that two days ago and I said yes. Is there something else on your mind?" Samantha lightly blushed. "You.." She said, lower then a whisper. With Samantha looking down at the bed's covers. Jessica didn't quite hear it. "What did you say?" Samantha looked up at Jessica. Looked right into her eyes. "You... You're on my mind." Samantha finally had the confidence to say what she wanted to say for three years now. "Me..? Why am I on your mind?" Jessica, with her not really thinking clearly she was surprised what Samantha did next. Samantha came up and kissed Jessica. Right there. Not on the cheek, not on the nose, and not her neck. Right there on the lips. Jessica was shocked. Not only is her best friend kissing her, is that she never told her before. Before Jessica could kiss back.. there was someone else there.. that wasn't too happy about this. "Get the fuck out of my house!" Jessica felt Samantha's lips off of hers and saw Samantha on the ground. Jessica had tears coming down her face. "Da-Dad?" Jessica's dad looked over at Jessica, giving her a glare. "Go get a shower, wipe her off your face.. and you two girls will never see each again." Jessica looked over at Samantha and gave her a sad expression. "Understand!?" Said Jessica's dad. "Y-Yes sir." Jessica then went up to the bathroom and just cried her eyes out.

Later on, this year her father told her she had to date the football captain. That is the reason she does these things to Mitch. Or... she will get kicked out of her own house by her father.

Hey Cubs! I'm really not in the mood to talk that much, see ya later Cubs, stay cool! Forever and always!

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