Dream Eight

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This just isn't right, it can't be. I asked Lexus to leave me alone for a bit just so I could try to remember.

It was Christmas and I was with Alissa and I gave her that promise ring and she gave me the star. We all just went to bed and tomorrow is supposed to be her birthday, supposedly today is her birthday. What the hell is going on? "Nick." Johnny grabbed my arms, "What the hell is going on?"

"What?" I frown.

"You and Alissa are supposed to be dating, Lexus is well WAS missing, and Alissa is pregnant with Lloyd's baby." Johnny runs his fingers through his hair in frustration and confusion.

"Wait, so you see what I see?! So I'm not going crazy?!" He nods.

"This is all a dream." He says.

"So then why can't we wake up?" He shrugs and sighs.

"I know for sure, this is all wrong." 

"So then what are we gonna do?" I ask.

"Pretend nothing happened until we figure out our purpose for being here." 


Johnny and I decided to go around town for answers, but all we see was hospitals and graves. It seemed so depressing. This little town I once called home, is now a town where nightmares do come true. "Johnny I can't stand to see another dead person, we have to go back home."

"I know you can't but just keep going, there has to be something on the other side." He seemed so determined to keep going, I have a bad feeling about this.

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