A Real Among Fakes

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Just so you know, this is a poem for Halloween.



I was worshipped

Like dear old Saint Nick.


I am one

Among the little children.


What a real costume!

They chattered.

How scary!

I gritted my teeth

And tried to play nice.


It is not a game.

It is the real thing.

I glide,

Skipping over houses,

To catch up to the ones

Who left me behind.

Wait up,

I say.

MORE CANDY!!!!!!!!!

They say,

Too sugar- hyped to care.

I weave into the group

Until I am in the middle.

A little boy excitedly starts

A one-way conversation.


He says.

How'd you get here?

He says.

Who are you?

He says.


He says.

We're the same thing!

No. We are not.

I say,

My fangs glistening

In the moonlight.

There is no time for him

To think

To know

To worry

To scream

As I sink

My fangs

Into the pulse

Of his delicious delicate neck.

I finally release my hold.

A spec of blood

Dribbles from my mouth.

My tongue darts

To catch the fallen ruby.

My voice

Is gruff and menacing

As I say,

"Who's next?"

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