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"Sang, it's your turn. Truth or dare?" Ryan prompted, his blond hair looking dark in the barely-there lighting.
"After the last question, I'm scared."
He cracked a smile, a natural instinct for him. He was the happy one, with a ready smile, and an easy going attitude.
"Oh, come one. It was a simple question," he said, throwing his hands up in exasperation. His words were with attitude, though a twinkle of mischief was reflected in his ocean blue eyes, set on me.
"'Which position is your favorite?' is not something I am inclined to answer in any way, shape, or form." I told him, picking up a pillow from my lap and standing up, stretching out my, admittedly small, legs.
We had been playing the game for a bit over an hour, a weird past time we've taken to doing when we both finish with our homework but don't want to go out.
Ryan was the closest friend I had, sitting with me in one of the boringest classes ever created. He made small jokes and puns under his breath, immediately taking a liking to me.
"You need to just not be a negative natalee.." Ryan plopped down over my bed, taking my spot and spreading out over the small, twin-sized bed.
I threw the pillow at him. "It's 'negative Nancy,' you idiot." I had to laugh at the pout he sent my way as the pillow messed up his perfectly messy hair.
"Oh, just pick one." I covered a laugh with a cough when he shot me a dirty look. His pout told me he didn't think I was funny.
"Fine," I conceded, only after pushing his foot away from a corner of the bed, sitting down. "Truth.
Ryan gave himself a victory smile, looking like a cat who ate the canary. I rolled my eyes at him.
"First kiss."
A snap shot of a memory popped through my mind, of a soft bed, a nice, sweet doctor looking at me with his apple-green eyes. Of my fumbling brain when he leaned in.
My heart aches at the memory, remember how happy and confused I was. How I never thought there'd be a deadline to our friendship.
"I was sixteen. We had been laying down and he leaned in. It was simple." I refused to lie to him. So I had to keep it simple and straight to the point.
"Who was it?"
That was the question that I couldn't answer. We weren't dating at the time, but we weren't just friends. We were more but not enough.

Hi! As you can see, I rewrote it! Hope you like it and I will publish the already written chapters soon!

Till next time..bye!

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