Chapter 2

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     "Admit it. I won."

     "I must not tell lies."

     "Obviously you must, as you just did!"

     "Sang," Ryan leaned back in his seat, looking exasperated at the conversation. I bit back a grin. "You blinked first. Which means you lost. Which means you pay. We've been over this." 

     I crossed my arms over my chest, pouting. "But"-

     "Here's your check, you two children," Jamie interrupted, a sly smirk on her lips. Ryan's gaze snapped to her, his cheeks heating up a shade. Or two. Maybe three. 

     I noticed it the first time I saw them together. How Ryan always leaned toward her as they talked, before catching himself and straightening up, only to do it all over again. It was cute. Almost every girl we passed looked at him with red cheeks and hearts in their eyes. 

     Yet he only noticed the girl who didn't notice the hearts in his eyes for her. Typical. 

     Jamie was a sweet girl, with an obvious Latina background. Her eyes were the color of melted chocolate, melting further when she laid her eyes on him. Her hair, stuffed in a neat bun on the top of her head, a requirement for her uniform, was a glossy black, cute bangs covering her forehead.

     The waitress uniform formed perfectly to her small waist; a baby pink, knee length dress with a white apron tied on. A few stains of coffee were spilled on her, causing the scent of day old coffee to blend with her natural, earthy scent. 

     "Who won this round?" Jamie asked, knowing what it was like between the two of us. We did it every time we went out together. It's become a game between us. 

     I glanced at Ryan. He rolled is eyes at me, already reaching inside his university hoodie, pulling out his wallet. Looking back at Jamie, I winked, taking a last sip of my water. She laughed, and Ryan's eyes closed a bit. 

     "I don't why I bother playing with you, when I know you're still gonna make me pay," Ryan complained. He was a born and raised southern, making it almost impossible for him to let me pay for the meal. No matter how much we fought and played, it meant nothing in the end. I shrugged. 

     He handed Jamie the wad of cash, his fingers lingering on hers more than necessary. It was cute. 

     "So, Jamie," I grabbed her attention. "Are you free this weekend? I was thinking movie marathon at my place?" I slipped on an old jacket from high school over my pink tank top. Over the past few weeks, she was put on a full schedule, making it nearly impossible to find any time with her. Besides, I needed a girl day. 

     She grinned, showing her pearly teeth, a cavity cap peeking out behind her cheek. "For once, I am actually off of work. Saturday?" I nodded. 

     "Six o'clock. Bring the chips and I'll bring the awesomeness." 

     "Deal. See you then." With that, she slipped away, the smell of coffee and earth left behind. Ryan stared after her. 

     "When are you gonna do it?" He didn't even glance at me. Rude. "Just ask her out. The worst thing she could do is say no." I reasoned with him. His blue eyes flicked to me, finally, but the color had changed just a bit, taking me back in time. 

     To a time when I was innocent and I latched onto the first nice things I could find, before I lost them to time and distance. I forced my eyes away from his, wishing I had never looked in the first place. 

     Either Ryan didn't notice my change in attitude or chose to ignore it, knowing i wouldn't give him any straight answers. I never did. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't trust myself to. Didn't trust myself to open up to him about my past and not give away anything I swore not to. 

     "I-I don't think that'd be a good idea." He shook his head, as if trying to emphasize his word choice. I tilted my head at him. Whenever I brought up the idea of him really being with a girl, especially with Jamie in particular, he shut it down. 

     Why? Was he waiting for someone else? Was he betrothed? That would make sense for Jamie, but not for the other ones he used to allow himself before he befriended Jamie. So it couldn't be a betrothal. 

     Having a girlfriend was out of the question, for the obvious reasons. There must have been something he was hiding from me. It was impossible for me to think of another reason. Had a hit on his head for treason? I scoffed at that. Ryan was barely able to kill a spider. He wasn't manly enough to be under treason. 

     Then again, it was hypocritical to judge him for not telling me stuff.  

     So I let it go. 

     "If you say so," I agreed, seeming to shock him. His eyes, which thankfully had went back to the crystal blue eyes I knew so well, were wide open, along with his mouth. I sent him a closed mouth smile, scooting out of the booth. It signaled him to do the same. 

     We both waved to Jamie as we walked to the door, me slowing down as we neared it, slipping behind him. Out of habit. 

     He went to push the door open, but a guy unknowingly blocked it, leaning against the outside. I pushed up on my toes, peeking over Ryan's shoulder. He was taller than Ryan, about a head taller than me, and muscular. He sported a black leather jacket, black cargo pants, and black combat shoes. There seemed to be a pattern going on. My lips curved up. 

     The guy had shaggy black hair, curling around his neck, looking to need a good haircut and a shave, too. I noticed his arms were crossed in front of him, and his head shook at something in front of him. That was when I noticed a friend of his in front of him. I didn't get the chance to see anything else, due to the fact that Ryan chose that moment to move forward, knocking on the glass door curtly. I dropped back down on my heels. All I saw was the back of Ryan's back and head. 

     Darn shortness. I swore to myself to start wearing more heels. It was beginning to become a problem. 

     Ryan eventually pushed the door open, thanking the two people for moving. Only I noticed the slight sarcasm in his words. He was annoyed. It was clear from the way his shoulders were tense and his words clipped. I nodded my head at him. At least he didn't cuss them out. 

     This time. 

     "Sorry, man. I didn't notice it was a door, or else I wouldn't have blocked you in," A gruff voice spoke, deep and rough. I followed Ryan out, ready to look at the two figures. The voice was one I hadn't heard before, but had a twinge of familiarity with. Maybe I had seen them around town before? 

     Just as i lifted up my eyes, Ryan slung an arm over me and maneuvered me as he turned away from the, effectively blocking my view of them. 

     "Now you have something to look for next time," Ryan threw over his shoulder. I gave him a look. 


Hello! With school finals and end of year projects, I was kept away for too long, but here it is!




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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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