Jim and Tanya

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I opened my eyes and saw the sun shining brightly through the large window. A rare sight. Alfie was still asleep next to me, his face was relaxed and cleanly shaven. I kissed him lightly on the cheek and rolled out of bed.

I walked down stairs and made a bagel for breakfast. Before walking back up I retrieved the mail from the floor and looked through it. There was one letter for me.

It was addressed to "Miss Zoe Sugg." I didn't see a return address however, so I stuck it under my arm and walked back upstairs.

After eating and watching some television All I could think about was the letter. I shook Alfie awake.

"Alfie." I whispered.

He groaned and opened his eyes. "What?" He asked.

"I got this in the mail." I said showing him the envelope.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure."

"Open it."

I opened the letter and read it multiple times. My eyes widened and my stomach had turned.

"What? Zoe what is it?" Alfie asked shaking my leg.

"What? Oh nothing." I said as I plastered a fake smile on my face.

I couldn't tell Alfie. He would be so mad. And upset. And devastated. I walked into the bathroom and sat at my vanity. My head in my hands.

"Are you okay?" A voice said behind the door.

"Yea! I'm just going to take a shower." I replied.

I was standing in the shower. Motionless. The words of the letter just running through my mind. This would change everything. I ran my hands over my stomach and I felt it. A long strip of skin that stuck up higher than the skin around it. I quickly dropped my hands and shut off the shower.

I have yet to fully cope with what had happened that night. However, I would have to. Especially after reading the contents of that damn letter.

After drying off I pulled on my robe and walked back into the bedroom where Alfie was. He looked up and smiled.

"Listen, a friend of mine wants to have dinner tonight. Him and his fiancé and us." He said.

I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. "I've never met any of your close friends before." I said.

"You'll like Jim and Tanya. They're amazing people." He said pulling me closer to him.


I slid into a black dress that stopped just at my knees and placed my feet into some red flats. After putting in some earrings and adding a necklace, I pulled on my red peacoat and walked down the stairs.

Just in time because as soon as my feet hit the landing there was a knock at the door. Alfie stood up and answered it. A very tall and slender man walked in. He was wearing a pair of black suit pants, a red button up, and a black suit vest. He had a very defined jaw, which was sprinkled with stubble, green eyes, and a perfectly styled quiff.

Not far behind him walked in a woman closer to my height. She was stunning. She had flowing brown hair, brown doe eyes, and the cutest smile I had ever seen. She was wearing a creme colored dress and had pops of blue in her jewelry.

"Hey guys!" Alfie said as he ushered them in. "Meet Zoe, my fiancé." He said motioning to me.

Jim shook my hand and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Jim Chapman and this is my fiancé Tanya Burr." He said smiling down at me.

"Lovely to meet you guys!" I replied.

After some getting to know each other we went out to dinner at this very lovely Italian place.

We spent about an hour there, just chatting. I could already tell that I wad going to love Jim and Tanya. Alfie was right. They are amazing people.

Thanks for reading!!

Love Caity xx

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