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Gabriel's p.o.v

I looked back at my old friend as he walked out of his hiding place behind a tree nearby. An almost identical image of  the female I held in my arms minus his boyish tangle of short hair in contrast to her waist length white-blond hair. His hand extended, shadows erupting from his fingers slowly disappeared. The cause of her sudden collapse stared silently at her "please take care of her..we've had a bad life, she deserves to feel the warmth of family.. when she wakes up she won't remember me."

"Clark are you sure about this..? She's your twin and you'll possibly never see her again. And even worse who knows what your parents will do to you-" I tried to convince him but he interrupted me.

"They were planning to..." he trails off , his hair shading his eyes out of view. "This is best for her, if I didn't make her sleep she would've tried to get me and that would result in her being killed. If I stay my parents will be satisfied and not try tracking her down...when she wakes up she won't remember me so I ask you to promise to never bring me up because it'll reverse the spell"

Clark's p.o.v

I felt Gabriel stare at me but I refused to meet his gaze because I knew I would regret my decision. Claire is the most important thing in my life. I would give anything to let her be happy even give up her memory of me.

I feel a strong pain in my chest that makes me turn to my twin. I walk over to her, resting my hand on her head "please forgive me...". I kissed her forehead softly, a tear running down my cheek.

Gabriel spoke up "I'll protect her with my life. And so will the others... I promise to do what you request but I really hope you'll be ok".

I smiled at him "thank you dear friend. Now go before she wakes up..". I turned and walked back home. I heard movement behind me followed by silence. I felt something wet go down my cheek as a wave of sadness flew through me.

A strong force made me fly sideways into the wall. I looked up to see the sight of my father "where is she?!".


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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