Chapter 5

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Back in Sean's room, M. Jesse and Olivia began to inspect for any more clues. The killer struck again, so maybe there was something other than vengeance against one victim going on here. So while F. Jesse and Lukas kept an eye on the remaining guests, M. Jesse and Olivia searched the scene of the crime.

"I just can't believe Sean's dead. He was such a friendly and funny guy," said Olivia, sadly.

"I know. I ran into him earlier before this whole mess started. He told me about how he's good friends with some guys, and even said he'd probably introduce me to his friend Mark," said M. Jesse. "He said we would've liked him since he's a funny guy to."

"We better figure out who the hell killed him and Tommy then," said Olivia.

The two looked over at Sean's inventory. Still nothing of interest. Just the same items that they saw earlier. And what struck the two as interesting was that the killer didn't seem to take anything from Sean's inventory. Not even a nice, shiny diamond, which was right in front of them.

"The killer couldn't be after everyone for inventory items. Sean has nothing of interest in here except this diamond, which the killer didn't take," said M. Jesse.

He picked up the items and put them in his inventory.

"We best to give these to his friends or family after this mess, so they know what happened to the poor guy..." said M. Jesse.

"Yeah," said Olivia.

After her boyfriend finished picking up Sean's inventory, Olivia looked at the spot where Sean despawned. The floor was very bloody with fresh blood stains. It made her shake a bit, to see Sean brutally beaten and then die right in front of her.

"The killer clearly attacked him and Tommy without a weapon. I wonder if F. Jesse and Lukas can see any blood on the hands of any of the guests," she said.

"The killer had speed potions with him. Maybe he drank them so he could be fast enough to change into clean attire, to hide the fact that he just brutally beat someone to death. Clearly whoever this guy is, he's smart to know how to hide his tracks or be one step ahead of us," said M. Jesse.

"You got a point..." said Olivia.

She ran her fingers on the bloodstains. The blood was still fresh indeed. After pulling back her hand, Olivia shook a bit to see that she got some on her fingers. She pulled out a napkin and wiped the blood off.

"There has to be something else in here to. Not just inventory and bloodstains," she said.

"I wonder..." said M. Jesse.

He began to poke around the room. He checked behind a chest and looked at the walls, but so far nothing.

"Jesse, what are you looking for?" asked Olivia.

M. Jesse ignored his girlfriend. He only continued to look around. He checked under a chair and a table that were in the room, but nothing. Now there was only one item left in the room: the bed. M. Jesse walked over to it and picked it up.

"I knew it..." he whispered.

Olivia looked down at the floor, and she covered her mouth with both of her hands to stop herself from gasping.

Written in red was the same thing from before.


And right below it was a time, but it was different from last time.


"It's the same message back at the restaurant, under Tommy's chair..." said M. Jesse.

BloodshedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora