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{Location: East blue, On a new island that was discovered by Franky and Zoro. Renamed Straw-Hat Kingdom. Inside the pirates large mansion, north side of the island. The nursery: }

"Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho, Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho. Gather up all of the crew, It's time to ship out Bink's brew sea-wind blows, to where? Who knows? the waves will be our guide."A tall skeleton man with a large afro, dressed in a pale purple suit, sang softly while rocking a small human baby, It was a boy with both the charastics of both his mother and father, he was tanned with his father's wide shaped eyes but were light brown like his mother, short black unruly hair that was also given to him by his father. The baby gurgled and giggled when the strange skeleton tickles him."Alright, young master Dalton. I do believe your mother would like you to be asleep right about now."

"And you are right to believe that Brook."Just then two beautiful women entered the room, one with long black hair hung in waves about her shoulders down to the middle of her back. The tendrils of it emphasized her slender face and proud chin. Sweeping black lashes framed the blue eyes, Her skin was tanned to a golden hue from the sun. She wore a midriff-bearing white shirt that hugged her upper body curves. And a short black skirt covered her to mid-thigh, but the slit on the right side rose another two inches. She was barefoot along with her orange haired companion.

The other women was tall, but a couple of inches shorter than the black haired one, She was delicate, with a petite frame emphasized by the body-hugging dress she wore. Her breasts were high and full, a little more than a handful. Her long, bright orange hair fell freely over her shoulders to spill down her back in thick, cascading waves, wide light brown eyes, long lashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows, thin arms that showed a little bit of muscle, Her waist was no more than an open hand width, her hips small and round. Despite her tiny appearance, her legs were amazingly long. Her nose was small and narrow with a small slope at the end of it. Her mouth was full and an enticing dark, rose red color. The white dress she wore had a blue stripe going around the waist of it emphasizing her small flat stomach and tiny waist. She was the one who had spoken before.

She placed herself on the other side of the skeleton man known as Brook and stared down at the baby he was holding, before handing the child, her pinky finger to hold."How is Mama's Little Prince?"She cooed at him softly. Dalton stared back at her blankly, before he giggled and squirmed to be released to get to his mother but no avail.

"My, my it seems he has missed you my Queen, but then again, he hasn't had any of your milk since this morning."Nami glares out the corner of her eye at Brook. Before sighing when he failed to notice.

"Brook, Luffy and I already told everyone and you that you don't have to address us as the king or queen. You can call us by our actual names you know."The skeleton nodded in acknowledgment.

"Ok, I understand, Queen Nami."The orange haired beauty fought the urge to deck him in the back of the head in front of her three month old baby. Instead, she just accepted this was the way he chose to call them. Back to more important matters, she noticed Robin had been sitting in the rocking chair on the other side of the nursery smirking at the exchange between them.

"I think the title of Queen of the pirates becomes you, M'lady."Robin added sarcastically, only to make Nami rolled her eyes, and flip the bird in her and Brook's direction. Gaining only laughter from the two of them.

"I'd rather still be called the Straw-Hats pirates's navigator."The young mother mumbled under her breath along with a small pout. When the two of them weren't paying attention to her anymore.

"I fail to agree with you on that one."Her head snapped up at the husky voice coming from the doorway. But before she could turn around or protest, a pair of rubbery arms curled around her waist, making her yelp a little when they pulled her backwards until a rock solid chest met with the exposed skin of her back. An amused chuckle rang through her ears.

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