1: the boy in class

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They were never friends. They were barely friends of someone who knew someone who was friends of the other. Silent admirers, maybe. They were people who glanced over each other in the hallway. Their friend groups just didn't mingle.

Baekhyun's friend group was his rock, and nothing else. They were hardly his friends. They knew none of his secrets. They knew nothing about him for that matter, because he hardly talked, he just hovered there for security, and listened. He finished his lunch early and stood up to leave. The person sitting next to him looked up, "Oh, Baek, you're leaving? Going to class?"

Baekhyun smiled, "Yeah." And left, it was the same everyday, and his contribution to his friend group.

Chanyeol was two tables away from Baekhyun. They had always sat with their backs to each other so he would never know that. He was far to engaged in the conversation, leaning over his food with his fists on the table as he laughed, and when everyone was finished eating they stood in unison to linger in the hallways before class started. Chanyeol towered over all of his friends, this caused him to slouch slightly, and he roared a laugh that made a few nearby heads turn to look at him. But he was immersed in friends who laughed with him so the attention only made him radiate.

Baekhyun stood on his tiptoes, reaching for the top shelf, his fingers grazed the edge of his book when an arm reached over his head and cast a shadow on him. He turned around and the book was placed his hands, "Sehun." He said looking from the tall figure to his book, "Thank you."

Sehun ruffled the boy's hair, "No problem." He leaned against the open locker door, "So when do you want to hang out again?"

"Umm, I'm free this weekend." He answered looking up from staring at the cover of his book.

Sehun let out a breath of air, "I was thinking a little sooner."

"After school?"

Baekhyun watched Sehun's eyes side glance the bathrooms across from the lockers, "How 'bout right now?"

Baekhyun let out a laugh and his eyes squinted, "What?" The bathrooms kind of grossed him out, as they did just about everyone in the school, and were for the most part avoided. But when he saw the serious look on Sehun's face he stopped laughing, "Oh.. you're serious."

"C'mon." Was all Sehun had to say as he pushed himself off the lockers and started walking in the direction of the bathroom. Baekhyun almost hesitated, but ended up following Sehun. He trailed behind the man, taking a quick scan of the hallway with no expectation for anyone to be paying attention to them. Yet Baekhyun's eyes crossed the path of Chanyeol's, as the tall man was also scanning the hallway mid-laugh with his friends, but everything stopped upon meeting that small boy's eyes.

Chanyeol froze in his path, his smile was gone, and his jaw was nearly dropped. All his friends were a few steps ahead before realizing Chanyeol had stopped. They all turned back to look at him, "What are you looking at?"

Chanyeol was still staring at the last place he saw traces of Baekhyun before he disappeared, "Nothing." He answered with his brightest smile and continued walking. But from then on Chanyeol was detached from the conversation, his mind was still frozen in the hallway even as he and his friends broke off into their classes. He sat in his desk and everything was still a daze. Chanyeol wasn't love struck, there were no butterflies, but his stomach did turn and in the most sickening voice.

There had been no shining moment seeing a beautiful, small, boy glowing in the perfect light. That was the moment Chanyeol saw the most dead eyes follow robotically after another person.

Baekhyun was squished in a bathroom stall on his knees, the square inch tiles leaving imprints on his skin. Both hands were wrapped around the base of Sehun to hold himself steady with his small mouth wrapped around the tip of a dick. Baekhyun's head bobbed with the help of Sehun's hands firmly grasping his hair and his thrusts. He tried his hardest to be quiet, but he moaned into the squelching thrusts as his throat became raw and thin tears streamed their way down his face.

Baekhyun let out a muffled cough as hot liquid was poured down his throat. He was half crumpled and sitting on the floor as Sehun quickly stuffed himself back into his pants. With the zip of his pants, the creak of the stall door and, "Now I might actually make it through Chemistry." Sehun was gone. The last steps of Sehun were fading into an echo as Baekhyun picked himself up off the floor and walked to the sinks. His hands were shiny and sticky when he pressed them together before running them under water.

He stared at himself in the slightly warped mirror as his former actions washed down the drain. Small tear stains still lingered and Baekhyun pressed his cheeks on his shoulders to rub them away as he turned off the water. He dried his hands, and before leaving he finger combed his hair with damp fingers back into its original place. He gave himself one last encouraging smile and headed off to class.

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun walk into class, it was the first time he had gone out of his way to look for him, and made sure he came to class. The boy was inspecting the front and back of his book nonchalantly as he wandered to his seat. Baekhyun set his book aside and opened his binder to start writing. Chanyeol though it was kind of weird that Baekhyun was taking notes for class, but what seemed like soon after everyone was closing their books and leaving. His head shot to the clock and realized class was over.

Chanyeol blushed, the back of his neck and ears turning red along with his face. He had completely checked out the whole class, he could only remember staring at Baekhyun, it must have been more than obvious. He panicked when Baekhyun started to rise from his seat, "Byun Baekhyun." He blurted out.

Baekhyun turned his head in shock to meet Chanyeol's eyes, "Yeah?"

"Can I borrow your notes? I kind of forgot."

Baekhyun's surprised face turned to a sweet upturned smile, "Sure." He answered, handing over the loose notes before walking away. Again Chanyeol was floored. Baekhyun acted like they had never made eye contact before. He looked like he had disappeared into the bathroom with some other guy. Maybe he  was reading to far into the whole thing. Maybe he had imagined it all.  The the thought made Chanyeol grow more embarrassed as he gripped Baekhyun's notes in his hands, he was ranting in his head, and that made him look angry at absolutely nothing on the outside which earned him weird side glances unknowing to him.

Baekhyun left class with a bright smile on his face, no one had ever asked to copy his notes before, he didn't exactly have the neatest hand writing so no one ever wanted his notes, and it made him feel kind of special.


i hope yall like this
i've got a little bit of an idea brewing so buckle up

yours // chanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now