2: notes

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When Chanyeol went home that night he just laid in bed. He was on his back, with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. That single moment of Baekhyun's eyes crossing his path almost haunted him as it flashed over and over in his mind. It was always his eyes and nothing else.

Chanyeol had never spent a long time looking at Baekhyun in general, let alone the windows of his soul; but it reminded him of the murky, dead, eyes of a fish. They were the eyes of a robot. The eyes a person has when they go into autopilot, and only robotically goes through the motions. It made shivers run through him.

The sun had long since been gone and Chanyeol decided he should probably take a look at the notes he had asked for. He heaved himself up so he was sitting on the edge of his bed. He lingered there for a moment before getting up and digging through his backpack for the notes. When the loose sheets where in his hand, Chanyeol let himself crash back where he was laying before. His eyes scanned over the notes and a little bit of regret had sunk in, Baekhyun had awful handwriting. It had an almost aesthetic look to it, but it was also like scribbly cursive which made it hard to read.

When Chanyeol flipped to the second page, small notes in the margins caught his eyes. He flipped back to the first page, and there were more margin scribbles. Chanyeol squinted at them, and from what he could make out they had absolutely nothing to do with the class. Instead they were more like little lines of poetry, and it made him snicker a little.


Chanyeol walked into class, his eyes locking on the back of Baekhyun's head, "Baekhyun." He said as he walked up behind the boy sitting in his desk. Baekhyun's head turned, eyes meeting with Chanyeol's chest until his gaze trailed up to meet his eyes.

Chanyeol was studying the boy's eyes hard now. They didn't have the same murky look, but they did look a bit empty as if something wasn't registering in the back of the boy's head. Chanyeol lifted the notes he had borrowed, "Thanks for letting me borrow these."

Baekhyun blinked a few times and his gaze trailed down to the papers in Chanyeol's hand. Instantly glistening life came to Baekhyun's face, and he smiled up at Chanyeol, "Oh! Of course, anytime."

The boy's smile was contagious and Chanyeol couldn't help but smile as well. The thought of Baekhyun's little poetry blurbs made him laugh a little, "Although, I never took you for a fan of poetry."

Baekhyun blinked again, "What do you mean?" His blank eyes once again there, Chanyeol could have sworn a loading circle was above the boys head.

It was kind of awkward now, "Those- those little things of poetry you write in the margins."

Baekhyun's face blushed just slightly, "Oh," he laughed to himself, "those are song lyrics."

"Song lyrics." Chanyeol repeated and Baekhyun nodded, turning, and putting his notes back into his binder.

"I really like to write music." He said as his binder clipped closed, "But I can't say they get any further than the margins of my History notes."

"Baekhyun I love making music."

"You do?" Bakehyun's eyes were once again murky and dead, but Chanyeol was too fired up to notice.

"I really do. We should hang out and have a jam session. Like this weekend!" Chanyeol was too excited. His eyes were burning, the mere fact that Baekhyun liked to write song lyrics meant that he cared just a little more than everyone else who sings in the shower, and that was enough for him.

"Umm-" Baekhyun hesitated, "Okay.. sure." He said mustering up a small smile.

Chanyeol gave a small cheer, "Yes! This will be so fun!" Baekhyun nodded, and their teacher walked which signaled the start of class, "I'll give you my address after class!" Chanyeol whispered loudly, but Baekhyun didn't have a chance to reply.

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